Sunday, September 16, 2012

Can We Clone This Kid?

IF someone could promise me we could have another kid JUST like Luke I would possibly consider having a third child. But... we all know that isn't possible. So, we will go on enjoying every moment with this awesome kid.
STATS from his 16 Month Check-up"

Height: 32.5 in. (85%)
Weight: 25 lbs. 10 oz. (70%)
Head Circumference: 46 cm (40%)

Favorites: any kind of ball but especially basketballs, playing outside, goldfish, cheerios, water, milk, frozen gogurts, ice cream, vegetables, grapes, hugs, kisses, his sissy

Sleep: I think we are transitioning from one nap to two naps.  It really depends on the day and when he wakes for the day.  Some days he decides to start the day at 5:30 (UGH!) and some days he sleeps until 6:45 (still UGH but better!). His bed time is usually around 7 pm but he likes to talk himself to sleep around 7:30. He sleeps with 2 pacifiers and his puppy "Buddy."

Luke is SUCH a love bug! He loves to give hugs, kisses, or just cling onto one of our legs (including his sister) and walk with us! He is usually very passive and doesn't get too worked up. He is tough, active, and ALL BOY! I think we definitely have a ball player on our hands... the kid is solid! He also has a great sense of humor and does things that he knows will get a giggle or two out of one of us!

Pink is very manly, don't you think?

Definitely a Momma's boy! <3>

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