Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Lucky little Mya got to spend the night with Papa (Mimi was in California) while Mommy and Daddy went to a wedding! I was a little reluctant at first... Papa is always fun but never the sole caregiver when Mya is around. Mya was VERY excited to see Papa. She screamed, "PAPA, PAPA" repeatedly as we approached the farm. She wasn't so sure when she first saw him.... almost looked as if she was pondering, "Hmmm... is this who I have been so anxious to see?" She liked it when he was in the room, but wasn't so keen on him holding her. I was nervous, to say the least, when I left his house and headed late to the wedding. She was asleep when I left, but he had to get her up in the morning, change her diaper, play, and feed her breakfast. That's a big task for a Papa. All my worries were for nothing. He did a fantastic job! Mya was happy as a clam when we got home in the morning. She even preferred her Papa to her Mommy! THANKS PAPA!!!

Papa took us to see his quadruplet goats! Here are 2 of the 4!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Not My Best Moment

I have to admit, I didn't have my best mom moment the other day. I was busy on the internet upstairs, while Mya was busy "playing" downstairs. I then heard her playing on the stairs. She is good on the stairs so I wasn't too worried about her hurting herself. As I'm working away, I hear a quiet, "uh-oh." I chose to ignore this as I hear it about 44 times a day. So, I continue working. Again, I hear "uh-oh." This time it was a bit louder. But, I choose to ignore it again hoping she would be her own problem solver. Again, I hear "Uh-oh, uh-oh, wa wa. Mama wa wa." Hmmmm....why would there be water on the stairs? I decided I should investigate to see what is going on.
What do I find?
Mya, diaperless (her new trick), doing figure-eights with her finger in a puddle of wa-wa! wasn't wa wa. She should have been saying, "Uh-oh, uh-oh, pee pee. Mama pee pee."
Not one of my finest Mommy Moments!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Keeping Busy Outside

We have been spending most of our days enjoying the beautiful weather outside! Mya stands by the door and begs to go "side."

Monday, April 12, 2010

9-1-1 What's Your Emergency?

That's the question we had to answer at 11:30 last night. Any parents' nightmare...became our reality.

Here's how the night played out....

Matt and I enjoyed a yummy dinner of crabcakes, shrimp, and artichoke last night for dinner. Poor Mya can't ever really enjoy her Daddy's awesome cooking due to her egg allergy. We read labels religously and really only give her things that we know are cooked in a controlled environment. So, while we feasted on our seafood spread, Mya dined on chicken nuggets, oranges, and artichoke. As she was finishing up her dinner, I noticed a red rash around Mya's mouth. Just so happened to look very similar to the rash she had after she ate eggs. So, I watched her carefully and noticed no other symptoms of an allergy attack. I also reflected back on what she had eaten. Nothing contained eggs. Could she be having a reaction to the shellfish that was on my fingers?
I put Mya to bed at 7:oo as usual. All was well. At 10:45, Mya awakened screaming. I went to her room and checked on her because she is usually a champion sleeper (7-7). While in her room, I noticed she was doing a lot of heavy breathing. Was I being paranoid since I knew she had a rash prior to going to bed? I watched her lay in her crib, just staring up at me as though she was struggling to breathe. Now panic was setting in. What do I do? Who do I call? I held her for a long while as she lay latharically in my arms. At one point I thought she had finally fallen asleep because it sounded like she was snoring. But, Matt told me that she was awake. She was obviously struggling to get in air and was beginning to gasp for air. I had the Epi-pen by my side, but was terrified to use it. Matt and I decided that we needed to call her pediatrician. It took awhile to call back, but finally the Dr. returned our call and said, "You HAVE to use the Epi-pen NOW and call 911." Holy SH*T! I actually tried to talk the doctor out of this....but when she repeated herself, I knew it was time to set my nerves aside and help my baby girl. SO..... I got her out of her pajamas and with extremely shaky hands, jabbed that Epi-pen into my baby girl's leg. She screamed as the needle went into her legs and tears rolled down my face. While this was happening, Matt was on the phone with the 9-1-1 dispatcher.
Within minutes, a squad car, a firetruck, and an ambulance all arrived at our house. During our wait, Mya had vomitted ALL over Matt (which in retrospect is actually very funny!). As the paramedics checked her out, she would look at me and say, "All done Momma." Ugh, heartbreaking. The paramedics decided she needed to go to the ER. So, into the ambulance Mya and Mommy went. Daddy followed close behind. That was a looooong, rough ride. Mya was so confused and scared. She asked for Dada and repeatedly told me she was all done.
We arrived at the ER and the Dr. (not my favorite person) quickly checked her out. He gave her some benadryl and some steroids (in case she had Croup.... whole other story.... thought her gasping for air and barking cough was Croup and not a reaction. I totally disagree so I won't go into all that). He then said he needed to observe her for 3 hours. WHAT??? It was about 12:00 at this point. My rigid time schedule was already WAY off and he wanted my 18 month old to stay away until 3 am? Seriously? He didn't come to check on her once while we were there, either. Mya was pretty lathargic during our ER visit. But at about 2:00 she got her second wind and wanted to run around the ER. We decided we would let her be a nuisance and cry and whine so that the staff would get sick of us. We ended up persuading the Dr. to let us leave at 2:15. Again, he NEVER even checked her vitals before we left.
We got home around 2:30 and she was sound asleep by 3:00. It was a LONG, SCARY night that no parent wants to experience.
I talked to her pediatrician today, and she said it seems as though Mya has an extreme shellfish allergy. Great....add that to the list. I no longer think Epi-pens are a waste of money ($100), and I am so thankful that I actually paid attention to the training I got 4 years ago while teaching in Addison. I am so thankful that this didn't happen on a night that Matt worked late. I am so thankful that my baby girl is ok.
Don't judge.... I of course had my camera in my purse. So, what any good blogger would do, I took pictures (well...Matt took pictures).
12:45 am: We were waiting....waiting...waiting..... What exactly were we waiting for?

Mya was getting a breathing treatment. She was actually trying to stick the tube up her nose and into her mouth. This treatment lasted about 15 minutes. The Dr. that NEVER checked on us thought we were doing it for 3 hours.

Mya was pretty lathargic the entire time. Like Mother like Daughter...she loves having her back, belly, arms, anything tickled to be relaxed. Please ignore my outfit, clothes, and hair. I was in bed and not prepared to be out in public.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Hey Chicago What Do You Say?

We anxiously await April in the Wiegman household! Why? Cubs regular season begins! We celebrated Opening Day with one of our favorite songs, "Go Cubs Go" and dressed Mya in her Cubs cheerleading outfit! Mya thought she was got stuff as she danced around to the music!

Mya says, "I don't want to hear the Cubs are jinxed! This is the year!"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Are We Cheasters?

We believe that it is important for Mya to know the true meaning of Easter! But we also feel that kids are kids and should be able to enjoy the fun and magical feeling of the holiday too. Sometimes you just need to see a smile on your child's face! I love holidays because it gives you the perfect excuse to spoil your child. Afterall, these are the days that kids LIVE FOR! These are the days that they can't fall asleep the night before because they are so filled with anticipation and excitement! These are the days that kids get to be kids before some bully or brat spoils their beliefs and ruins their fun! So, for as long as I can, I am going to create memories and traditions for Mya to enjoy. Just as our parents did for us!

With that being said, Mya woke up Easter morning to just that. When she opened her door and she saw that the Easter Bunny had left her an Easter basket with 2 new Cabbage Patch dolls, sidewalk chalk, and a brand new easter dress. She was so excited!

After all the excitement, we decided to take Mya to church for the very first time. Most people know that I am not a "regular" at church. In fact, some have even called me a Cheaster (Christmas/Easter church goer) and have questioned my beliefs. However, going to church is important to Matt; therefore, it's important to me. We want to make sure that we teach Mya about faith and the importance of going to church. Who knows, maybe I will learn some things too!

Lucky for us, a brand new church, The Chapel, opened super close to our house. We have visited The Chapel with Matt's brother and family at one of their other church locations. Despite being cornered by a psychic in the pew behind us and asked if she wanted to give me a back massage after the service (I was 7 months pregnant), I did somewhat enjoy the experience. It is a very different take on the typical church. It is very laid back, fun music is played by a band (I got really excited when the very cute Brit lead singer sang "You Found Me" by the Fray), and they have a "lighter approach" to preaching about religion....which I like.

I was extremely reluctant to take Mya to the "daycare." My purse was bulging with snacks, drinks, and toys to get her through the hour service. But, when we arrived we decided to take a look at the 1 yr old room. I was prepared for hysterics...kicking, screaming, snot all over the face...the works. We let Mya take a look at the room. She found a toy, ran to it, and never looked back. I had to literally grab her, kiss her, and tell her I would be back in awhile. She really didn't care where I was or where I was going. So, off to the service I went. After the service, we went back to get Mya. She was having a great time on a rocking horse. I tried to get her attention, she looked at me, and returned to playing. Hmph... Guess she likes church! Perhaps we won't be Cheasters afterall!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Twinkle Toes

We needed a little "pick-me-up" around our house today. So....we put Mya in her tutu and let her entertain us!

Mya giving "Nya" kisses in the mirror!

Mya was riding Jasmine. Jasmine didn't care for this activity too much.

Mya got her baby photo album and was flipping through it saying, "baby."

Sharing a Moment

Daddy and Mya were sharing a moment while enjoying the beautiful day! It was too cute not to capture on camera and post!

Mya was having a snack and was asking Daddy in her baby jibberish if he wanted one.
Here's one for you, Daddy!
Did you like it, Daddy?