Wednesday, December 30, 2009

15 Month Check-Up

Warning... this blog entry is for Mommy purposes. Most reading may find it a bit boring! Sorry, afterall, this blog was originally intended for me to document my daughter's development! :0) BUT.... there is a super cute video of Mya showing how smart she is!

We just went to the pediatrician for Mya's 15 month check-up. Her bumps and bruises prove that she is a healthy, active toddler with no fear! She loves to walk, run, and climb! Her newest venture is standing on the couch and chair. With this, has brought the new need to discipline. Ugh! I think this is harder on me than it is on her. The dr. emphasized that she doesn't understand consequences so she has to be shown. The only true way to discipline a 1 year old is with time-outs. SO.... when she does an behavior that is unacceptable we have to put her in a timeout. Anyone knows that a 1 year old won't sit still in a time-out. Therefore, we have to put her into her high chair that is facing the wall for a minute or two. She really doesn't appreciate the confinement. However, I have noticed less standing on the couch and chair!

Talking.... I think we're in trouble! This girl LOVES to talk! So far, I enjoy hearing all her new words! But, I just know that soon her cute words will turn into "Why? Where? What? Why? and the dreaded NO!" As of today she knows about 20 words. Each day she surprises me with the new words she repeats me say and each day she solidifies why I have to REALLY watch what I say. I would hate for something "inappropriate" to be repeated!

What does Mya like to do for fun these days? Mya is pretty much an independent woman....hmmmmm.... wonder where she gets that? She loves to explore the house looking for anything and everything to get into. It's funny, we have a room full of toys but she probably spends the least amount of time in that room! She loves to sort and organize.... again....wonder where she gets that? She can spend lots of time taking everything out of Mommy's purse and putting everything back into Mommy's purse. She loves to unfold the laundry and wear all of Mommy and Daddy's clothes around the house. Mya begs to go downstairs to the basement and play! She can destroy the room in a matter of minutes! Another one of her favorite pasttimes is, yes, flushing the toilet! I don't get a minute to myself in the restroom. As soon as she hears the sound of the toilet seat, she runs in, waits patiently (or not so patiently) while I finish my business. Then, she flushes and waves bye-bye to the peepee.

What's for dinner, Mommy? Mya has become an extremely picky eater. Her diet doesn't consist of many meats or much variety. She continues to eat waffles and sausage for almost every breakfast. Lunch and dinner usually consists of chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, spaghetti (o's) or pizza. Luckily she likes several fruits and LOVES cooked carrots. In between meals, you will find Mya helping herself to her snack cabinet. She usually finds a snack of her choice, which usually is her box of Crispix cereal.

Perhaps I'm just a proud Momma, but I feel that Mya is extraordinarily intelligent. She comprehends, she follows directions, and she performs on cue! Whether it's her 20 word vocabulary, her ability to hand me dishes out of the dishwasher or even put them away in the correct cabinet, or sending her 3 rooms away for a book and her returning with one, I am constantly amazed by her!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas....Wo Wo Wo!

Pictures GALORE!!!! We had a blast celebrating Christmas this year! I thought Mya would be confused and overwhelmed, but she really enjoyed the parties, food, and presents!!! She loved ripping open the gifts and wanted to get every last bit of paper of the presents. She would do the cutest little gasp and open her mouth really wide with amazement! We loved watching her get so excited! If you ask Mya what Santa says she would say, "Wo Wo Wo!"

Here are a ton of pictures from the holidays! Enjoy!

Mya got a new Minnie Mouse sippy cup!

Christmas dinner was finger-lickin good!

Mya LOVES her new wagon from Mimi and Papa! She's saying, "Soooo big!"

Mya and CiCi!

Santa came to the Wiegman House! Mya's favorite gift was the "lala" (balloon) he brought her!

Mya opening gifts on Christmas morning! She got a new kitchen and lots of food!

Mya is dressed and ready for the Jannusch Family Christmas!

Mya opening her first dollhouse from Grandma Diane at the Wiegman Family Christmas!
Mya's new tricycle from Grandma! She loves it!

Mya and Quentin share a bathtub....blackmail for later in life!

Of course, you have to do the shampoo mohawks!

The kids had fun playing the piano with Auntie Amy

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

10 years ago I was sitting at the PubII with my friends and family celebrating my 21st birthday. I was finally LEGAL! I remember being so excited, yet a bit terrified, of the night to come. I remember vividly that my first shot was Goldschlagers. I HATED Goldschlagers so guess who took the shot for me? My DAD!!! For the record, my dad isn't a big drinker (he loves his O'douls though!) I think he felt it was his responsibility to prevent me from doing shots on my 21st. Fortunately for me, I didn't have to take that shot. But, unfortunately for him, 21 shots followed (after my parents left)!

Well, 10 years later, I turned 31! Wow, how different one's life can change in 10 years. I moved out of Bloomington and lived in Boston, Chicago, Schaumburg, Lombard, Tower Lakes, and Lake Zurich. I have lived with some fabulous girls that will be lifelong friends. I met my wonderful husband at a dumpy bar in Wrigleyville, we actually fell in love (despite the fact that he told me he was an FBI agent), moved out of the city (moved in with one of my besties, Katie), got engaged, got married, moved a few times (3!), and had our beautiful baby girl! I can't believe what a DRASTIC change my life has undergone since my 21st birthday. I LOVED my college years, but I LOVE my life even more now!
Last weekend, we went out to celebrate my 31st with friends and family. There weren't any shots of Goldschlagers, or any shots for that matter. It was a great time with friends and family. I am so, so lucky to have such great ones! Every year, they make the effort to celebrate the birth of me! It's usually blizzard-like conditions, but that doesn't stop them.

What would my birthday be like without Matt trying to sing with the band? At least this time they didn't unplug the microphone.

Friday, December 18, 2009

And, That's a Wrap!

Mya FINALLY got her last shots for hopefully a very long time! We made our final visit to the allergist, Dr. Fitzsimmons, for our second dose of the H1N1 vaccine. Everyone in the doctor's office was so friendly and patient with our little diva. Mya got to the point where she would scream at the mere sight of the doctor or nurses. She would even whimper at the nice receptionist. Dr. Fitz previously told me that seeing her ruined his day because of all her tears!

Yesterday, we were greeted with all smiles on the outside, although I wouldn't doubt they were all cringing on the inside. Dr. Fitz even came to greet Mya in the waiting room. I must say, after many visits, this visit was the best. She did cry when she got her shots, but other than that, she was in a pretty happy mood. It was a rough road, but I am so thankful that she is fully vaccinated! Hopefully next year the government will figure out a better was of dispersing the vaccines. I hear they will be combining the H1N1 with the seasonal flu vaccine! I will keep my fingers crossed!

Egg Update:

I spoke with Dr. Fitz specifically about Mya's egg allergy. I was beginning to think that perhaps I was a bit over-the-top when it came to Mya's consumption of food. Was it necessary to limit her diet to no foods with ANY trace of egg? Is it ridiculous to not feed her foods that were processed on equipment that may have touched egg? Was it stupid to not feed her foods from restaurants in the case of cross-contamination? No, he assured me that I was not over-the-top. I am doing the right things and he wouldn't risk it. Well, I feel better that I'm not a total freak, but I wish that life were a little easier when it came to feeding this little lady. He said we should get her retested in a year. IF her levels are way way lower, in the range of "barely there" then we can start to reintroduce egg products. However, the changes are slim considering she was in the "severe allergy" range. We continue to cross our fingers that she outgrows this! I guess I shoudl count my blessings, things could be worse.

Mya enjoyed a snack in between shots.

Nurse Marcia let Mya choose a sticker! Of course, she said "woof" and pointed to the puppy sticker.

This is where she chose to wear her sticker!

Mya playing with a new Christmas gift from her twinkie friends, Addison and Brooke...a fun etch n' sketch! Good toy choice on Momma's kept her very busy!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What We Do on a Wednesday!

I absolutely adore being a stay-at-home mom. I thank my lucky stars everyday! I appreciate the fact that my husband works 2, 3, ok maybe 4 jobs so that I can stay home and raise our daughter. However, there is some monotony that goes along with staying home with a one year-old everyday. If we are at home, our day consists of breakfast, followed by about 12 trips up the stairs, some playtime, nap, lunch, another 12 trips up the stairs, more playtime, snack, dinner, bath, bed. Pretty much the SAME routine daily.

Again, I thank my lucky stars that my sister lives minutes away and our kids play wonderfully together. They adore Mya and the feeling is mutual. Our monotony can be broken when we visit their house or we decide to make it a shopping day. Now that Mya is walking, she doesn't care too much for her stroller. She wants to get down and walk around the stores. She even does her sign for "all done" when she is "all done" being a good little girl in her stroller. So, it's either listen to her whine and scream, or let her down to explore.

We have our usual "spots" that we like to visit. Mya knows her way around all the stores and knows exactly where to find the toys/activities she likes to play with. Some of our usual playspots include: coloring at the Gap, playing with the balls at Old Navy, exploring all of Pottery Barn Kids, and completely tearing up Learning Express. Needless to say, we are pretty friendly with most of the employees at these locations. Don't worry, we aren't the only "regular" customers. It seems a lot of moms have the same idea!

Today, after our usual visit to the Gap and Old Navy, I decided to change things up a bit and take Mya to the petstore. She loved looking at the birds, turtles, and fish. We even got "Jazzzzz and Greecie" something special.

After our afternoon out and about, we were home to unwind from our long day. I found Mya hanging out "on" her favorite spot.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Family, Tutus, and Santa

Last night we went to our first Christmas party at the Stewart's. Mya was all dressed up and ready to see ALL of her Daddy's family. It was a big group of about 40 people. Mya handled the crowd well. She spent much of the evening going up and down the stairs and exploring the house.

We pushed her way passed her bedtime so she could see Santa. We are so lucky that Santa makes a personal appearance at our Veneris Family Christmas party! I love that I don't have to wait in line at the mall to see Santa! But, I was bummed because she was already in her pj's when Santa arrived. So much for her cute Christmas outfit! Her Santa's visit only lasted a few moments, as she seemed to be terrified of him. She would walk up to him to "check him out" but wanted nothing to do with sitting on his lap. She got a cute little puppy and carrier from Santa. She loves puppies and "woofs" at it as she carries it around. Thanks Santa!

Our ride home was a bit rough. She screamed for the first 20 minutes, but she finally settled and fell asleep for most of the ride home. She wasn't too thrilled to be awakened and carried into the house. But, again, she eventually settled and was fast asleep. Check out Mya's awesome legwarmers with tutus on the bottom! I got them on a cool! Super cute and cheap!

Mya hanging out with Uncle Eric and Quentin!

Mya, have you been naughty or nice this year? Isn't it obvious, Santa? NAUGHTY!

Please, all I want for Christmas is to go Night-Night!

Mya loves carrying around her new gift from Santa! How did he know she loves puppies?

Monday, December 7, 2009

A New Tradition.... or NOT!

It seems that when you have a child, your thinking begins to change. You look at things with a whole new mentality. This is definitely true when it comes to my baby daddy. He used to be...well... somewhat of a grinch. He would say things like, "Let's not spend money on eachother for Christmas, it's just a waste. Or, why are you hanging stockings for just us? Or, maybe we shouldn't get a Christmas tree this year since they are so messy." Well, once we had Mya his mentality has changed. I'm not sure if it's because he wants her to appreciate the "meaning" of Christmas, enjoy the traditions that go along with the holiday, or perhaps the fact that he works 80 hours a week and feels he can now "afford" this crazy, over-commecialized holiday. Whatever it is, I like it..... I think.

As the holiday season began to near (Was that after Halloween this year? I think it gets earlier and earlier each year.), Matt proposed a new tradition to me. He said he wanted to go as a family to cut down our Christmas tree. Great idea, in theory. But, I know my husband. I know that, in fact, I would probably be the one chopping down the tree as he stood and admired my strength. Mya would probably be screaming because it would be -10 degrees, and we would argue over which tree was the very best tree of all the trees on the entire tree farm.

Now, don't get me wrong. I LOVE the fact that Mr. Grinch has transformed in Mr. Claus! He even said, "We have a family now. I want my family to have gifts under the tree." I love that he wants to go as a family to get a tree. What I didn't love was the following. Here's my TOP TEN REASONS WE MUST END THIS HOLIDAY TRADITION:

1.) 1.5 drive to the Christmas tree farm. Does he know that Home Depot is 5 minutes from our house and has a fantastic "tree farm?"

2.) Mya was dressed in 3 layers of clothes and was whining before we even got out of the car.
3.) The petting zoo and reindeer exhibit was closed when we got there. (That was the part I was most excited about.)

4.) We had to walk 1 mile to get to the "best trees."

5.) We couldn't make up our minds about what tree we liked, and they soon all started to look the same.....crappy.
6.) Our "saw" we were given was dull and floppy.

7.) Halfway through Matt turned to me and said, "Do you want to give it a try, I feel like I'm having a repeat of our snowmobiling experience?" (I predicted that one, hunh?)

8.) Mya screamed for about 30 minutes straight, during and after the knocking down of our tree.

9.) It was 30 degrees outside.

10.) The tree cost $100.
For the record, Matt did cut down the tree entirely by himself! He even carried it the 1 mile back to the car by himself. Once we got over the horror of the experience, we were able to get our tree up in the house. It isn't the most beautiful tree in the world, but it was chopped down with love. Mya loved helping Mommy and Daddy water and decorate the tree. She even helped put the star on the top. We look at the lights every night and every morning. Although it wasn't the best experience, it was great to spend time as a family. Perhaps next year we can think of a warmer, cheaper tradition. Any ideas?The endless rows of trees. How will we choose?Let the chopping beginning.Matt ended up pushing over the tree and fell on top mid push!

Mya was NOT appreciating this new tradition!

Mya was such a good helper! She helped us water the tree.

I Love you Daddy for trying to create a new tradition! Mya loves to hug these days! Too cute!

Mya putting the star on top of the tree.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Who Needs Vegas

It may not have glimmering lights, the melody of ringing slot machines, smoke-filled casinos, and topless showgirls. In fact, it may be the extreme opposite. It has beautiful multi-colored leaves creating a blanket over the grass, the roar of corn-filled wagons traveling down the road, and the shrill "cockadoodledoos" of the free-range roosters.

While Matt spent the past weekend in the glitz and glamour of Vegas, Mya and I spent another weekend at the calm and peaceful farm. Growing up, I was always in such a hurry to get into "town." I wanted to spend time with friends, run errands, and go shopping. Now that I have Mya, I love just hanging out and playing outside. I appreciate the peacefulness and love to just look around at the beauty of the land. I think Mya has a pretty good time too.... see for yourself!
Mya waits to go outside. She was very eager!Mya was bird watching at Great-Grandpa Bob's house.Or, just playing with the magnifying glass. Mya and Gracie sorting Momma's purse. Mya can now say "Greecie."Here you go Dad.... a picture of his HOMEGROWN tomatoes AND eggs! He loves his fried green tomatoes and not often gets to have them this late in the year. He should thank his wonderful wife for cooking them for him! :-)

Hmmmm.... not sure what is happening here. Perhaps she was "thinking." This is what she looks like after a long day of playing. Nice hair, MyMy!