Ever since we have moved into this house, I have HATED the landscaping. I don't have a clue about plants or flowers. I don't know their names. I don't know if they like sun, shade, lots of water or little water. To be honest, I have to really think about the difference between an annual vs a perennial. I just don't know and to be honest, I just don't care. BUT... I do like a nice looking yard!
Matt has wanted to pull out almost ALL of our plants since day 1. I have always claimed to be a tree hugger. The thought of killing or removing a tree made me cringe. However, the looks of my yard made me cringe even more. On a whim, I decided to call a tree removal company JUST to see how much it would cost to do some removal! Their quote came back incredible low so I pulled the trigger! I scheduled them to come remove some plants. One evergreen led to another which led to another and so on..... Before I knew it, they were removing 6 large plants (I don't even know if plants is the right term... trees? evergreens? shrubs?)
I started to panic as I realized that that VERY day in nearly hours, my Mom was due to arrive at my house! UH-OH! She was not a supporter of the removal AND she was about to arrive just as my yard was to look completely BARE! The good news was, she knows her stuff and would be able to at least help me plan what to put into my beds. The question was, once I had a plan, WHO was going to do the work? Neither Matt nor I have a clue or a desire to do the work. Matt works a disgusting amount of hours and has no time to garden. Not to mention my back problems have been killing me on a daily basis and limits me to very little strenuous activities.
My Mom, THE SAINT, not only helped plan the flower beds but also dug and planted every single new plant! We made multiple trips to Home Depot and the nearby nursery. We planted, unplanted, replanted several times. She did SO much work!
Right now, the plants are still small so it's a little difficult to visualize the final outcome! I know once they grow, it will look fantastic! We may have to do a little "tweaking" of the overplanted bed but for now, I will enjoy smiling instead of cringing as I admire my new yard. I am SO thankful to my Mom for her help!
After removing a large shrub that had to be trimmed all of the time- What was left? A TON of hasta and day lillies!
Buh-Bye! |
2 new knock-out roses
5 Coral Bells
Moved Day Lillies |
Removed a HUGE juniper evergreen. HATED IT!
Planted 3 Spirea
Lu Lu "helping" Mimi plant |
Mya took a break to climb the tree |
Mimi's little helpers! |
"Baxter, what do you think will happen if I drop this into the bucket?" |
Wish I had a before shot but I don't. Trust me, it looks so much better now!