Sunday, June 19, 2011

Lucas Matthew: 1 Month

Our little man turned 1 month old on June 16th!  I'd like to say time flies when you're having fun... but actually I am tired, tired, tired!  It's hard to believe that I've gone 4 weeks with very little sleep! 
BUT... enough about me....

Luke still doesn't really do much!  He spends most of his days sleeping with a frequent explosion-like poop!  He LOVES to eat and keeps Mommy tied down throughout the day by being his sole supplier of nutrition!  However, Matt does give him the occasional bottle of formula. We decided to do things a little differently this time around to try to avoid him NOT taking the bottle like Mya did!  He seems to like formula just fine! 

As far as sleep, well.... let's just say he prefers to sleep during the day and party like a rockstar at night! I am TRYING desperately to teach him the difference between day and night!  Just when I think we are achieving something, we have a terrible night!  At this point, a good night is basically us both going to bed at 10pm and sleeping until 2:30ish.  He usually feeds for about 15 minutes and goes back to bed until around 6ish.  That is a fabulous night for us!  However, other nights he may be up every 1.5-2 hours! That makes for a rough next day!

Luke doesn't play just yet.  However, he does seem to be thoroughly entertained by his Sissy! He lets her poke, kiss, hug, change, and sing to him! He is tracking with his eyes and smiles with his pouty little lips (involuntarily, I know!) He seems to have a pretty passive demeanor.... so far!

It was a challenge to get good pictures of this little guy! Here's the best I could do!

1 comment:

The Adventures of Ella and Adelaide said...

Oh my.....he is looking so much like Mya!! So cute!