Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Farm

We went to my parents' house again this weekend to see my BFF visiting from Austin, TX and to celebrate Father's Day with my Dad on Saturday.  We went out and about and I had a great time "playing" with my camera.  I took about 200 pictures... here are a "few!"

Miller Park Spray Park
Mya was nervous at first but ended up having a blast!
Finger in mouth = nervous little girl

Daddy is helping Mya get over her fear of the spray park.

NOW we're having fun!

Mimi and Papa's Pool-
She was so brave on the first day... and a TOTAL wimp on the second day!
Panic set in....

SUCH a Mya look!

Funk Prairie Home Museum-
Papa showed us the horses, sheep/lambs, and goats/kids!
Daddy and Papa taking Mya to see the horses.  You really can't beat that landscape! Beautiful.

Admiring the land.   You don't see this in Chicago.

Papa shows Mya the lambs

Petting the kids

1 comment:

Camille said...

Let me know when you and the kids are in town! Since Andy works at State Farm we get to go to State Farm Park!!! They have a really fun water park for the kiddos and we get to have two guests. (I am willing to bet that teeny weeny kids don't count as a "guest" yet!)