Thursday, March 31, 2011

Girls' Night

We were lucky to have some houseguests for the evening.  Auntie Kristy and Izzy came to visit us!  Mya was very, very excited and asked when Izzy was coming for 2 days before they arrived!  They didn't stay long, but we had a great visit!  I wasn't very good about taking pictures of the girls.  Most of the pictures were taken during bathtime... can't get much cuter than two naked little monkeys!
Mya was cheesing before they arrived.  She ran to the window every 2 minutes to check for their car!


The girls were coloring the walls with the bath crayons.

Of course, we had to do the mohawk!

2 little monkeys!

1 comment:

The Adventures of Ella and Adelaide said...

Looks like Matt and Ben taking a bath together!