I was going to write a "poor me" blog tonight about how the TERRIBLE TWOS have officially begun. But, we actually had a really good day today so I decided I should keep things positive! In between tantrums, Mya really is quite comical! Here are just a few moments I was actually able to catch with a camera!
Mya LOVES her dried strawberries! Unfortunately, they are very messy! She typically eats an entire bag at one sitting which is equivalent to 1 container of fresh strawberries! They are all natural with no added sugar....just simply dried strawberries (TRADER JOE'S). By the end of the bag, her face and hands were covered in red! |
READY.... SET...
Mya also LOVES playing outside. The new popular question asked 150 times a day, "Can we play outside a bit?" It's great that she loves the outside. Unfortunately, when it's time to go in, we almost ALWAYS have a tantrum! (Ok, I have to include a little bit of "poor me" into this blog!) |
Not sure where the daredevil in her comes from? |
We all play naked in our wings, right? |
Another love of her life, the library! Here she is suprising me! Just moments earlier, she was hiding behind the curtain shouting, "Mommy, where's Mya?" Guess she hasn't grasped the whole shhhhhhh.... in the library! |
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