Say it ain't so! My little buddy, Brady, is headed for kindergarten! How can this be? Mya and I got up bright and early in order to see Brady (and Cici) head for school! He was mostly smiles as he anxiously awaited the arrival of the school bus!

Ready for school!

Cici is ready for her 2nd day of 2nd grade!!! She got her bottom braces on yesterday!

Not sure Mommy was ready for this day.....

Mya wanted to ride the bus too! Not for a few years, My!
Please don't that day come too soon!!!

Big sister, Cici, was helping guide Brady onto the bus. Ty followed closely behind.

Bummer, Brady and Carly couldn't sit together! The school bus driver eased his worries.

Mommy, Daddy, and Ty watched Brady board the bus and head to school!

And then there was one....

"So, Ty ty, what should we do while the big kids are at school?"
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