We had a BIG birthday party to celebrate all of the cousins' (Drew-10, Ben-9, Quentin-2, and Mya-2)birthdays on the Wiegman side of the family. It was so great to have the entire family together to celebrate!

The Birthday Girl! Mya is ALMOST 2!

One of the BIRTHDAY BOYS! Quentin turned 2!

Buddies taking a dip in the pool!

Quentin was a CRAZY driver.... be careful Q..... precious cargo!

Mya was a bit more gentle with Q! Women drivers usually are best! ;-)

Grandma teaching Mya and Q how to blow bubbles.
I think they just wanted to eat the wand!

Great-grandma Una (Granny) with 2 of her great-grandchildren.

Granny with 4 of her Great-grandchildren!

Mya loves Granny! A special moment, indeed.

Mya's FAVORITE gift! A baby that cries!!!! She LOVES feeding the baby when she's hungry and giving her the "dasi" when she is fussy! She'll make such a good big sister....someday.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DREW, BEN, QUENTIN, and MYA!!!! Thanks for the yummy cake, Grandma!

I think Daddy is getting baby fever....he was breastfeeding the baby!

Mya showing off her rockstar outfit and new sassy pink shoes from Grandma!

Mya enjoying her birthday treat, ice cream!
Poor little thing can't have cake because of her egg allergy! :-(

Mommy with her Birthday Baby.... I mean little girl!
1 comment:
Happy almost Birthday Mya!
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