Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's amazing...

It's amazing that when you are just downright exhausted, she knows that you need a break.

It's amazing that just when you consider going back to teach fulltime rather than being home with your own daughter, she takes a 3.5 hour nap and wakes up an entirely new child.

It's amazing that at about 6:30 you are usually thinking, "Man, is it bedtime yet?", but tonight you were thinking, "Man, it's already bedtime."

It's amazing how one tooth can cause your child to become the devil.

It's amazing how .8ml of baby tylenol can make your child become an angel.

It's amazing that just when you are at your wit's end and have had enough, she gives you the most gentle, loving hug and kiss.

It's amazing how one sweet little "hi" during bathtime can make all the horrific moments during the day disappear.

It's amazing how the sweet sounds of a giggle can make you forget the shrill sounds of her scream only moments prior.

It's amazing how much you can love one human's just amazing.


Kristy said...

Aww, that is absolutely beautiful...and so true. Sounds like you could use a glass of wine! Hope the tooth devil goes away soon!

Mira said...

Love that, and love you

The Adventures of Ella and Adelaide said...

It truly is something you don't understand until it happens to you! Such a beautiful post! I have a little devil with 4 molars coming in at my house...want to get together?!