We are thankful for so many things this year.... family, friends, our health, our beautiful home, and of course our precious daughter.
We spent Thanksgiving at Matt's Aunt's house. Unlike last year, Mya and her cousin, Quentin, were ALL OVER the place. Up and down the stairs, opening and closing doors, and playing the piano. It was so cute to see them being buddies! They are absolutely scrumptious!

Here they are being silly!
So cute! Do you notice the black and blue, fat lip? Mya took a tumble onto the footboard of a bed. Guess it's the cost of doing business as a toddler!
Q was making kissy faces at Mya.
Preparing for their hug!

Could one be the next Mozart?
Mya was running around with the remotes? There was no relaxing at this party!
Next was opening and shutting the door!
And a shoulder ride!
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