We took our little Bumble Bee trick-or-treating for the first time. She wasn't quite sure why she was dressed up like a bee and why her mommy kept telling her to say "bzzzzzzzz." But she looked adorable, and I think our neighbors loved seeing her dressed up.
Look at me, I'm a bumble bee! Bzzzzzzzzz.......

Mya with Mommy and Daddy getting ready to get some candy!

Mya and Mommy on their way to their first stop! Trick-or-Treat!

Mya doing what she does best.... climbing our neighbor's stairs!

Our busy, busy bee playing in her room!

Finally, she sat still for just a second to take a picture.

Mya with her favorite Auntie Sarah!

Mimi Rey, Auntie Andra, Robin, and Batgirl came to visit our lil' bumble bee!

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