Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I'm a Big Girl Look What I Can Do!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Uh-Oh Spaghetti-O!
All Done!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Our EGGsperience at the Allergist
We began the visit with what they call a scratch test. The allergist puts a small amount of an extract of a potential allergen, in this case eggs, into a shallow scratch They prick her skin 3 times in her back. They prick one with egg, one as a negative control (placebo), and one as a postitive control (histamine). Then we wait 15 minutes to see if there is a reaction. No reaction. On to step 2. For the second step, they diluted the 2.5 mL shot into a .01 mL shot that they placed just under her skin. Then we wait 15 min. This time, she had a reaction. The injection site swelled and became rashy.
At this point, we had to make a decision. If she had a reaction to .01 of the vaccine amount, what kind of reaction would she have with the whole vaccine? I looked to the doctor for advice, but he then said what every mother dreads hearing. "You are the mother. You have to make this decision." What? I wanted to say, "You are the doctor. You have to make this decision." We decided to call Mya's peditrician and let her make the decision. She said we should go ahead with it. She wants Mya to get the H1N1 shot (if anyone ever gets it in stock) and this will be the only way to know if she will have a reaction to it. So, after asking and reasking if they have what they need in case of an emergency, we went ahead with the shot.
So, step 3. The allergists broke the vaccine into 3 parts. The first, was a dose of .5 mL. Then we wait 15 minutes. No reaction. The second, another dose of .5 mL. Then we wait 15 minutes. No reaction. Third, was the last and largest dose of 1.5 mL. Then we wait 30 minutes. Thank GOODNESS, no reaction.
Luckily, Mommy and Mya made it through this EGGsperience! Mya was SO good. She basically sat in a 6x6 room with no windows for 3 hours. She had very few toys, no snack, no nap, and a mom that didn't really want her crawling on a doctor's office floor. The staff at the allergist was wonderful. They allowed us to explore the entire office and play with an extremely annoying dancing, singing ghost...over...and over...and over! The wonderful nurse even sterilized a toy piggy bank that Mya played with for quite some time.
The good news is Mya did not have a severe reaction to the shot. The bad news is when a baby gets the flu vaccine for the first time, she has to get another one 1 month later. That means we have to go to the allergists again for our 3 part shot again in November. Luckily, we won't have to do the other tests next time. The other bad news is, next week we have to go the allergist for her MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine. Because, it too, contains egg protein. Hopefully neither of these 2 appointments will turn into a 3 hour appointment like yesterday.
We left the office at 4:30. Mya was such a brave girl (although by the end she would scream at the near sight of any doctor, nurse, stethoscope, or needle). The poor baby was poked 7 times, who could blame her?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I Like to Move It, Move It!
Well, Mya has started to climb stairs. I have no need for my eliptical anymore because Mya has me going up and down the stairs about 50 times a day. She LOVES to climb. When the gate is up, she stands and whines until I let her climb. Here is a clip of her climbing. Sorry about the camera work, I still have to be her safety net if she falls. Our stairs aren't the easiest stairs to climb, pretty steep and hardwood.
She is narrating her journey for you as she climbs. She has a lot to say these days. Some of her daily conversation includes: hi, bye, hot, ball, dadda, woof, kitty (her own version)
She is also starting to stand on her own and take 1-2 steps towards something she can hold on to. She usually gets too excited and loses her balance!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Top 10 Reasons I'm Reminded Daily that I'm a Mom
9. You are humiliated and want to disappear into thin air when the sales girls at Express are talking about a woman and say, "How old is she? 33. Oh, so she's old." You hope they don't look at you and notice you are just about "THAT old too!" You realize maybe you are too old to be shopping at Express.
8. You find yourself listening to AND singing along to your baby's CD in the car....and she's not with you!
7. You realize your purse weighs about 10 pounds because it's filled with a sippy cup, 2 snackpacks, 2 pacifiers, wetwipes, a book, and toy keys that continuouls make a honking and engine sound when bumped. No wonder it takes 5 minutes to find your wallet or lipstick!
6. You realize your once spotless, organized house has turned into an obstacle course of toys AND you're so tired you don't care!
5. You realize your baby's wardrobe is BY FAR nicer than your closet full of clothes from 2 years ago (pre-maternity).
4. You realize that the "cute" shirt you are wearing is, in fact, a maternity shirt!
3. Your sexy thong has been replaced with a must-have girdle for your weekend, wedding getaway.
2. You are amazed with your ability to drive one handed because you are searching AND find either a pacifier, sippy, or toy for your child with your other hand.
1. An exciting night consists of ONE glass of wine, your favorite tv show, and in bed by nine!
The Pumpkin Patch

Sunday, October 11, 2009
What's Mine is Yours....
I'm not sure if Mya thinks she's a cat or if Jasmine thinks she a person. But, there is definitely some identity issues here. I often find Mya with mouthfuls of catfood (yuck, I know!) or Jasmine playing with Mya's toys. Just recently I witnessed the following taking place in the family room (see video clip). I think I need to draw the line when it comes to sharing certain things!
Contemplating..... Oh, what the heck!
What's mine is yours!
No, you don't want it? That's ok!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Mya's 1 Year-old Pictures