Monday, July 27, 2009

10 Months Old

Mya is 10 Months Old
Mya Isabelle is 10 months old! She is definitely a mover and a shaker. She is very inquisitive and wants to explore! I turn around for a second and she has rolled all of the way across the room! She still isn't crawling. I'm not sure if she ever will. Dr. Brown said this may be her form of transportation until she decides to walk. She will get up on all 4's but will then STOP, DROP, and ROLL! She has begun trying to pull herself up on things. She can't quite get both legs up. I think it will happen shortly. I'm not sure I'm ready for her to be mobile. I have loved being able to "do things" while she sits and plays. That has all begun to change. It was VERY difficult to capture these 10 month pictures! She constantly wanted to grab the paper and move around. I anticipate month 11 and 12 will be even more difficult!
This month she also learned to go from lying down to sitting. This has made naptime very interesting... annoying....stressful. She has discovered a whole new view of her room. Therefore, she isn't too interested in sleeping. Most time she eventually become sleepy and goes nightnight. Occasionally, she refuses. We have resorted to driving around with her to get her to conk out. I don't condone it.... but sometimes it's a necessity!

Mya is quite the talker. She tells me all of the latest gossip, what she thinks about things, and she even sits and reads her book. We could have quite the conversations... if only I spoke baby or she spoke English! I can't wait for girltalk!

Due to the egg allergy, I have had to get creative about mealtime. Luckily, she is not a picky eater! She loves fruits, vegetables, meats, and cheese! I guess her diet could be worse! I continue to be a milk pusher. However, she does seem to enjoy it more than before!

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