Friday, July 31, 2009

Meet My Daughter, Naughty Wiegman

So my sweet, gentle, content little angel has turned into a curious, active, dare I say.... naughty, little girl! Don't get me wrong, she is still a very sweet natured little girl. However, she now has her moments! She is getting into EVERYTHING and does things that I am pretty sure she knows is naughty. How do I know? She does them, looks at me, and then smiles! She is just too dang cute to get mad at. I am confident that she does not know what "NO!" means. Why? Because I say it and she does it again...with a smile!

Here are a few captured moments of her being naughty... or maybe just "active!"

One of Mya's favorite pasttimes is pulling wipes out of the container. I looked away for a second and this is what was going on!

Mya rolled her way over to the TV and was kicking the TV stand.

Kicking to climbing!

Taking EVERYTHING out of the diaper basket! BUSTED.

Laying blocks on Jasmine while gently kicking her... I think she was massaging and not kicking! Jasmine just lied there and took it.

Mealtime has become interesting. Mya thinks it's fun to drop her food, bottle, paci, bib, etc. over the side of her highchair! You can kind of see the mess on the floor in this picture!

Uh oh.... Momma must have told her NO! Maybe she does know what it means!

Monday, July 27, 2009

10 Months Old

Mya is 10 Months Old
Mya Isabelle is 10 months old! She is definitely a mover and a shaker. She is very inquisitive and wants to explore! I turn around for a second and she has rolled all of the way across the room! She still isn't crawling. I'm not sure if she ever will. Dr. Brown said this may be her form of transportation until she decides to walk. She will get up on all 4's but will then STOP, DROP, and ROLL! She has begun trying to pull herself up on things. She can't quite get both legs up. I think it will happen shortly. I'm not sure I'm ready for her to be mobile. I have loved being able to "do things" while she sits and plays. That has all begun to change. It was VERY difficult to capture these 10 month pictures! She constantly wanted to grab the paper and move around. I anticipate month 11 and 12 will be even more difficult!
This month she also learned to go from lying down to sitting. This has made naptime very interesting... annoying....stressful. She has discovered a whole new view of her room. Therefore, she isn't too interested in sleeping. Most time she eventually become sleepy and goes nightnight. Occasionally, she refuses. We have resorted to driving around with her to get her to conk out. I don't condone it.... but sometimes it's a necessity!

Mya is quite the talker. She tells me all of the latest gossip, what she thinks about things, and she even sits and reads her book. We could have quite the conversations... if only I spoke baby or she spoke English! I can't wait for girltalk!

Due to the egg allergy, I have had to get creative about mealtime. Luckily, she is not a picky eater! She loves fruits, vegetables, meats, and cheese! I guess her diet could be worse! I continue to be a milk pusher. However, she does seem to enjoy it more than before!

Lake Lovers

My dad pulled through and sent me some more pictures from our lake vacation! THANKS, DAD!

The Wiegman's and Kuehl's at the Lake

I LOVE this picture! All of the babies!

Mommy holding on tight to her baby!

Mya squealing with excitement! She loved going fast!

Mya helping Papa drive the boat

Mimi and Mya enjoy the view

3 Buddies: Ty, My, and Grace

Mommy and Mya hanging out on the dock while the others fished

Papa getting ready to take the "big kids" on the waverunner!
Sorry, Mya... maybe in a few years!

Brady entertaining Mya after dinner

All of the "Jannusch's" skied this trip. I think we all felt like we had something to prove, at least to ourselves. None of us, but Andra, have skied recently. It has been a VERY LONG time since I've skied. It was like riding a bike. You feel a little rusty at first but it all comes back to you! I loved it! It is the best workout that I've had in awhile! I must say I was pretty sore the following day. My body certainly isn't what it used to be. Hence, the dress-like swimming suit. Yes, that would be a maternity suit. No, I'm not pregnant!

After we all skied, Carly got the nerve to try it herself! Andra and I learned when we were her age. She did great. Unfortunately, we didn't have the small training skies. She used the junior skies. Her mommy was in the water helping her. She didn't get all of the way up, but I think she was pretty darn close. She was so brave! Much less ters than when I first learned! Here she is almost standing. That a girl, CC!

Friday, July 24, 2009

It's Been Awhile!

Brace yourself... this is a long one! I have had so much going on that I haven't had time to write any posts. I started writing a couple of nights ago and decided there was WAY too much to write! I decided to just let the pictures do the talking with some caption explanations!

My mom celebrated her 60th birthday on July 16th! We were all (minus Matt and Steve) able to be at the farm to celebrate her big day with her before leaving for the lakehouse. Here she is with her girls and grandchildren (Mya had already gone to bed). We thought we were funny and all had icing on our noses!

Ok, we're off to the lake! 2 Mommas and 4 kiddos.... It's going to be a LOOOOONG drive!
TOYS: Check
VIDEOS: check
MOMMA'S FLASK: Double Check!


A 6 hour drive to one of my favorite places on Earth with 4 kids (6,5,2,10 months)...How bad could it be? Well, the trip down was really quite successful. We made a quick snack stop (5 minutes into the trip), a 40 minute lunch stop, and a bathroom stop. There was some whining, a little crying, a few naps, and even a few quiet times! Overall, it was pretty good! We arrived at the house, ate dinner, played a bit, and were ready for bed. Mya, being the youngest was the first to turn in. We were getting ready to take her nightly bath when it happened. We heard a loud bonk, followed by a moment of silence, and then the scream. I looked to my right to see Ty (2) with his head on the floor and his hands behind his back. He had hit his head on the hardwood table and had a large gash on his head. Blood was everywhere. My sister became hysterical. The one who once said, "how bad could it be" now has a situation on her hands. Our house is approximately 20 miles from the hospital. Because the roads are windy and somewhat dangerous, it would take over 30 minutes to make the journey. We had to decide if we should call 911 or make the trip ourselves. Remember, we had already driven 8 hours and Mya was in desperate need of her bed! Andra decided she couldn't do it herself. Me, being the calm and collected teacher that I am (my parents told me that! :-), gathered our things and drove us ALL to the hospital. Ty, who refused to sit in his carseat, was gushing blood and falling asleep. It was a pretty intense ride! We finally made it. After 2 hours of driving around (this makes 10 total hours of driving) with 2 kids (a large McFlurry kept them happy for awhile) and a baby (some screaming and brief moments of sleep), Ty was release from the ER. He was very brave. He got 4 stitches and directions to NOT get it wet. Interesting for a vacation at a lake

This is kind of gross, but it gives a sense of the amount of blood that was gushing from Ty's head.

With our emergency room visit behind us, we were ready to go boatin'! We still had an obstacle in front of us. Mya had to be introduced to her life jacket. I was a little worried about how she would react to this bulky new feeling. To my surprise, she was pretty mellow about the whole thing! She even took multiple naps on the boat while wearing the jacket! We were lucky that it was a scorching hot day. I'm not sure how she would have been then!

Mya and Mommy on the boat! It tended to make Mya very sleepy; even though Tyler kept yelling, "Momma... faster!"

Brady and Carly had a blast swimming off Mimi and Papa's dock. They also loved jumping off of the diving board... although I had to initially pay Carly $2 to do so!

Mimi gave Carly and Brady some shaving cream and paint to "explore" with. Their Mommy said she wished Mimi was there to play with them since it was more "her thing!" With or without Mimi, they had a blast! Somehow their exploration turned into body painting!

Mya enjoyed a snack, but she ended up with some in her hair!

Ok, so this is actually only pictures from the first 2-3 days of our 8 day vacation! Unfortunately, my camera's battery died! BUT---- My sister and Mom had their's. Hopefully, I can get them to send me the pictures and I will post them. There are lots of good ones!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Egg Update

The results are in....

Mya officially has a severe egg allergy. It's a total bummer. I have come to grips with the fact that I will have to be a label reading momma. We have to be very careful that Mya isn't given any kind of egg product or we could have some serious consequences. I have 2 Epi-pens ready in case Mya has a severe reaction. Family, friends, babysitters, etc will have to be trained to use it in case of an emergency. It will be an adjustment, but I know that it really is a pretty minor problem compared to what other families have to go through. It just makes me sad that she will not be able to have "regular" treats for birthday parties and special occasions. I guess I will have to find some alternate recipes! Suggestions are much appreciated! :-)

Here are some interesting facts about the EGG ALLERGY:
  • Eggs are one of the top 8 of all allergens.

  • Many studies that have been done on infants with egg allergies find that by the time the infant has reached age 5, the allergy has been outgrown.

  • Avoid foods that contain any of the following: albumin, egg (white, yolk, dried, powdered, solids), egg substitutes, eggnog, globulin, lysozyme (used in Europe), mayonnaise, meringue, ovalbumin, ovomucin, ovomucoid, ovovitellin, Simpleese
    Note: A shiny glaze or yellow glaze on baked goods usually indicates the presence of egg.

  • Anaphylaxis is treated with a medicine called epinephrine (say: ep-uh-nef-rin), which is given by injection (a shot). Kids who have a severe egg allergy will usually carry — or have a grown-up carry — an epinephrine injection, just in case. (Epi-pen)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Yesterday was one of the hardest parenting days yet. Mya had to go to get her bloodwork done to see if she has an egg allergy. We arrived at the lab after Mya's morning nap. She greeted the receptionist with a huge smile... she didn't have a clue as to what was about to happen. My heart ached for her knowing that she was about to be in for a big surprise.... I didn't have a clue as to what was about to happen.

I knew we were in trouble when the 2 lab techs asked eachother who wanted to "do the baby" followed by two nervous laughs. Great. I also knew we were in trouble when the lab tech couldn't figure out how to work the computer. Great. I further knew we were in trouble when another lab tech came in and said to the other, "No, no, no....we're not testing for that. Erase that. Just the egg whites." Great. The trouble continued.....

It was finally time for the blood draw. I had to hold Mya on my lap with an arm rest holding her in. It reminded me of getting in your seat for a rollercoaster ride at Great America. In fact, this was a bit of a rollercoaster ride. I was prepared, or so I thought, with pacifier in hand and her lovey puppy. The tech tied a tourniquet around her arm so tight that it began to turn purple. Her fussiness had begun. He then got the needle ready, felt for a vein, and wiped her with alcohol. Her fussiness grew into a cry. He took the needle and stuck it into her arm. Her cry turned into a full scream. I was horrified.

It felt like the needle was in her arm for an eternity. As she screamed, I tried to sing to her and talk to her assuring her that I was there for her. The tech removed the needle, and I found it odd that I saw absolutely no blood. "Is that it?" I asked. He replied, "No, I couldn't find a vein." WHAT???? Mother bear was about to explode.

They began prepping her other arm. This couldn't be happening. At this point, Mya was hysterical, and I was about to become hysterical. The two of us were both sweating profusely. The same tech began searching for a vein in this arm. I was thinking.... if he doesn't find it this time, we're out of here! Luckily, another tech stepped in and got the job done. Why didn't she do it in the first place?

We left the lab completely traumatized. I gave Mya a bottle in the car which seemed to help settle her. She was still gasping for air for the first 5 minutes of our drive. I was relieved when I heard her innocent little conversation she was having with her lovey puppy. She was probably explaining to him that everything would be alright...

We find out the results on Monday. I pray that she doesn't have an egg allergy, but fear that is exactly what she has. Cross your fingers!

Daddy comforting Mya when we got home. You can see bandaides on both arms.

She seems to have forgotten the horror she just went through!

Mya later in the afternoon. We had gone swimming and I changed her clothes. She looks like a boy, but I still thought this was cute! She is so happy!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dude, It's Their Job!

Why do I feel bad about hiring someone to do a tough job when I am paying them? I had 3 guys over on Thursday to remove and install our new carpet on the pool deck. I KNOW it was an absolutely horrible job. I know this because I did the first half by myself (well with some help from Matt). The carpet is nearly impossible to remove due to the awful glue that was used during the original installation. Regardless, they are getting paid to do the job. I shouldn't feel guilty. Dude, it's their job!

I battled with Home Depot about the installation cost of this job. I was originally quoted one amount but was then told an amount $150 more than the original by the installation company. I marched in to Home Depot, baby in arms, and spoke with the manager (dumba**) and the expeditor (began as an a**hole, but ended up being my buddy!). 1 hour later, I got the $150 knocked off and was a happy camper. They initially weren't quite aware of whom they were dealing with :). They tried to pull a fast one on me, but I caught em!

Here is a picture of the guys during the removal. They spent about 10 minutes cussing out the job in Spanish. I don't technically speak spanish, however, I do know by the tone of their voices that they weren't commenting on how beautiful my backyard was. (I took the picture from the window because I didn't want them to tell me the job sucked and they quit!)

TA DAH! All done! They did it! It looks SO much better! Who wants to go swimming?