Thursday, July 12, 2012

Work Hard... Play Hard

 I'll admit I'm having major remorse about not signing Mya up for SOMETHING! She needs to be involved in an activity and have some social interaction... besides ME!

I woke up this morning feeling guilty about the fact that I have done basically NO teaching this summer.  We've practiced writing her name quite a bit, but that's about all we've done as far as "learning." I decided to make some number cards and get her practicing.  To be honest, I wasn't quite sure what she actually knew.  I was pleasantly surprised!


NUMBER CARD MATCHING: We first went over how many objects were on each card. Then, we looked at the numbers on each clip. She traced the number with her finger.  I removed the clips, she counted the objects, and placed the correct clip onto the correct card.  She did AWESOME!!! This

Mya even asked to do the cards again tonight!

Tonight, we practiced her numbers some more.  This was HER idea! She found this workbook with her coloring books and BEGGED to do it! I had to cut her off at the the #2 so she could get ready for bed!

Not sure why it won't show up the right way!


 After Luke's morning nap, we headed to The Treehouse.  This place was FANTASTIC for Luke!!! He was in a completely enclosed area with nothing but soft mats to land on! I told Matt I want a padded room like this in our house..... for me when I go insane.... I mean for Luke to play in! ;0)

Mya had fun, too, playing with her friends...ALL boys! So, there were some tears, but overall fun for her too!

After our second round of naps today, I decided to take the kids to the Spray Park! Luke LOVED it!!! Mya not so much! She got pretty bored there.  Luke ran around squealing and laughing! Not an ounce of fear in the kid!

"What did you say to me? Maybe if I puff out my chest I'll look scarier!"

Needless to say, it's been a LONG day! But, the kids had so much fun!!! Tomorrow, Mya and I are headed to the pool with her preschool friend, Kylie.  Looking forward to some girl time! Daddy will spend the morning with Lukey.  Then, Saturday, I'm off for a GIRLS' WEEKEND!!! WOOHOO!!!! Pray for Daddy, he'll be alone with the animals!

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