Tuesday, March 6, 2012

We Love Projects

We've been keeping busy with some projects....

Valentine for Daddy
First things first, get Duke in one position and entertained.

Gluing is Mya's FAVORITE!

 Making a HEART crayon
Peeling crayons kept Mya busy for at least 15 minutes while I made dinner.

I thought we goofed here.  When I took it out of the oven it resembled...well.... a piece of heart-shaped poop.

But, wahla! The otherside was beautiful!

Marshmallow Building
Aiden came over to play too. I think they ate more than they built!

 Finger Painting

I spelled MYA with painter's tape.  Then, let her finger paint all over.  After the paint dried, I peeled the tape and there was her name! (we had a little leakage...this always happens to me when I paint too.... what am I doing wrong???)

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