Thursday, February 2, 2012

Crazy 8

I'm a little behind on my posting but here is Luke's 8 Month update!

He no longer sits and smiles that's for sure! He's totally on the move! I can't leave him for a second without finding him all the way across the room! He mostly does his quick quick quick army crawl but occasionally raises up to do the "normal" baby crawl.  He does love to sit and play with his toys but often finds one of his Sissy's toys that he finds much more interesting! 

Luke is down to 2 regular naps.  His morning nap is usually from 9:30-11:00 and then again from 2-3:30ish.  He continues to be an early to bed (6:30ish) and early to rise (6:00ish) kind of guy.  However, after a quick diaper change and drink he's back to dreamville until about 7:30. 

He LOVES his food! Honestly, there hasn't been a single food I've given him that he doesn't enjoy! He gets oatmeal cereal at almost every meal accompanied with a fruit/vegetable and some teeny tiny pieces of table food. 

Luke still just has his 2 bottom teeth, but I think he's working on some more! Lots of drool, runny nose, and chewing on anything he can find! Fun times ahead....  

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