My little Luke is 9 Months Old... I can't believe it! I would say he has made a HUGE transition over the last month. He went from his quick, quick, quick army crawl to his GET THE HELL OUTTA MY WAY crawl! He is a constant mover! He wants to go, go go! In addition to crawling like an ole' pro, he is also pulling himself up to a standing position. This completely keeps Mommy, Daddy, and Mya on their toes! Mya is so nervous when he stands up on things that she runs out of the room! When we ask her why she left, she replies, "Because I don't want to see Lukey fall and get hurt." Guess she doesn't have much faith in our supervision! He LOVES standing against the TV and turning the power on and off... drives me crazy!
He is still a GREAT eater! He's a bit of a chunky monkey! Let's just say he's very "solid." ALL BOY! I think he may be our superstar linebacker. He doesn't want much to do with baby food. He much prefers table food. He will pretty much eat anything and everything we give him! He's still taking 4 bottles a day. One before each sleep period and one when he wakes up.
That brings me to his sleep......... Ugh. Overall he is a great sleeper! He naps like a champ and really can function when being deprived of good sleep (kinda what happens when you have an older sibling that needs dropped off, picked up, gymnastics, swimming, etc.). He takes his 9:30 am nap and his 2:00 pm nap. He goes to bed between 6:30-7:00 pm. Here's the stinker... he was getting up at 5:00ish. UGH! This about killed me. Usually he would go back until 7ish. But, not Mommy... I couldn't go back! We decided to let him cry it out and see what happened. Great... he finally was trained to sleep until 6 am! BUT... then he was up. For Good. YUCK. It was like pick your poison. The good news is that the last few days he has slept until 6:45-7:00. YAY! Keep your fingers crossed that it maintains.
Lukey got those 2 top, front teeth that I predicted. They really did a number on my happy boy. He was pretty miserable for about a week. His poor little nose was so runny too! He pretty much had boogers on his face at all hours of the day. Luckily they both came in the same week.
Here are the stats for this HAPPY, SMILEY, ADORABLE, LOVE BUG!
weight: 22 lbs. 4 oz (76%)
length: 30.25 in (96%)
head: 44.7 (35%)
Here are his 9 month pictures! Now, keep in mind this kid is constantly moving! The usual green chair pictures didn't go very well considering he wanted to take a giant leap head first off of it!
I'll sit for just one moment.... |
Gotta go! |
Watch Mom, I'm gonna jump! |
Poor Jasmine, she takes the grunt of Luke's aggression! (more on that later) |
Buddies |
Oh, I could just eat him up! LOVE! |
Getting into trouble.... |
Teething... notice the boogies! |
LOVING his dinner (Ignore the pink bib.. Real Men Wear Pink) |
I think he likes them. This party ended quickly when he rubbed his eyes. We immediately headed to the bath! |