Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Luke is 4 Months Old

Luke is most commonly known as Duke or Lukey around our house.  He continues to be a fantastic 4 month old baby!!!  Here are a few stats:
Weight: 15 lbs 13 oz (75%)
Height: 27 in (97%)
Head: 41 cm (20%) 

This month, Luke realized that he has hands! I often find him looking at them as if they are the most unbelievable things on earth! He is starting to reach, grab, and pull at things.  He loves spending time in his bouncy seat and is often able to get the thing rocking so hard he looks as if he will spring right out of it! He also enjoys spending time in his exersaucer and on his playmat. 

Luke continues to be a pretty good sleeper. He naps ever 2 hours creating a morning, midday, and evening nap. His bedtime is around 7pm and he usually sleeps until about 5:30am.  After having a nasty cold 2 weeks ago, he began getting up in the night! UGH! We have been TRYING to successfully get him back to sleeping through the night with the much dreaded sleep training! Letting a 4 month old "cry it out" is one of the hardest things to do! Hopefully, after a few nights of screaming, he will get back to sleeping through consistently. 

Luke is still one of the very happiest babies I have ever been around! He smiles ALL OF THE TIME and is so easy natured. He doesn't cry often, and when he does there is usually a good reason. He thinks his big sister is the absolute coolest person around! All she has to do is look at him and he smiles. When she acts goofy and silly.... forget about it... she has him in complete hysterics!
I may be biased... but I think he is just beautiful!

I was cracking up taking his pictures. He would give me a big smile and as soon as the flash went off, he would make this goofy face! I took about 30 pictures and got this face probably 20 times!


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