Andra and I made a deal to watch eachother's kids for an overnight, so that we could each have an "adult night out" and perhaps even sleep in a bit in the morning! We were all excited as the Kuehl kids arrived for our slumber party!

LOTS of playing took place! The kids are so great with Mya and she absolutely adores them!!!!

This was just too cute! Mya was upset about Brady picked her up. She was just hanging there resting her head on his shoulder! It looked very uncomfortable, but she couldn't have been more content! I just happened to be behind them to capture the moment!

Brady was thinkin' about something. I think he looks like he's getting ready to make a pitch!

Ty was contemplating something too....

More playtime!

Taking a break to snap a picture from our first slumber party!!! I had so much fun! In the morning, I had all 3 Kuehl kids in my bed. Brady said, "I LOVE having slumber parties at your house!" Me too Bud, me too!
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