Who knew the Bears would be having a winning season so far?!?! Perhaps it's the special cheerleader they have rooting for them!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Twice a year I look forward to the Growing Cents of Style consignment sale in Barrington. I have absolutely no shame in admitting than one person's garbage is my (Mya's) treasure! This sale is where the rich, hoity-toity Barrington Moms bring their "gently used" kids clothes, shoes, and toys to consign. My sister and I go to the sale together, arriving early in hopes of being first in line! The feeling of accomplishment I feel when I leave is the best feeling ever! I feel like I've cheated the system! I get namebrand clothes for usually under $5. This year, I got multiple pairs of striderite shoes from anywhere from $5-$10...these are $50 in the store! I also got a new Petunia Pickle Bottom baby bag for $35.... selling for $170 online!!! I also got a Graco double stroller for $20 (everything is half off on Sunday)! The ladies working gasped as I checked out! New baby bag and new baby stroller....all set for baby #2......someday!
One of Mya's FAVORITE purchases this sale was her new robe! She has always been fascinated with my robe. When I get out of the shower, she always grabs my robe and hands it to me. So, when I saw this precious pink robe for $2 I had to buy it!!! It was love at first sight! She loves it!!! It is my secret weapon to get her out of the bathtub to go to bed!
Mommy: Mya, do you want to get out and put on your robe?
Mya: Yeah, Momma, I'm cold.
I tie the robe, she double ties it (twists the belt) and off she goes running to her bedroom to get dressed!
Fall Festivities!
I hesistate to say that I love fall because I know perfectly well what comes AFTER fall.... WINTER! But, I really do love fall days filled with football, pumpkins, and falling leaves! Just spending the days outside with my family inhaling the cool, brisk air is so worth it!
We spent Saturday morning at Goebberts Pumpkin Farm. This place was crazy! I had been there about 4 years ago. I remembered the sea of orange pumpkins and sweet smell of kettle corn and apple cider. But, what I didn't remember, was the zoo they also had! I was expecting a petting zoo with goats, sheep, and maybe even llama or two. But, I didn't expect to feed a giraffe from our very own hand, see 2 bears and a tiger roaming around a tiny little cage (I am TRYING very hard not to be bothered by this), and see monkeys swinging from branch to branch!
We all loved seeing the giraffe at our eye level! The giraffe would come right up to us and eat from our hands. You can't tell in the picture, but there was also a baby giraffe a couple feet below!
We were feeding a llama from a small plant shovel. The llama's neck was cranked backwards so he could reach our food! Mya was unbelievable brave! It was so unlike her!
Daddy had the brilliant idea to go into the corn maze after other people came out and wished us "good luck". We got about 100 feet in and decided it probably wasn't a good idea! Trust that I have been lost in corn above my head before....not so fun....especially with a 2 year old!
Mya stood like such a big girl so we could measure her each year we visit the farm! She was just under 3 feet.
DORA!!!!! Mya had lots of hugs and kisses for her!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Oh NUTS....EGGSactly what we didn't want!
Mya tested positive for egg and peanut allergy. She had NO reaction to shrimp, crab, cod, walnuts, or cashews. This is hard to believe since we had such a scare for what we thought was an allergic reaction to shellfish. The good news is her egg allergy number has dropped a bit. Last year she was a 6.95 and this year she is at 6.49. Dr. Fitz is hopeful she will eventually grow out of it. She is still considered to be in the high range for the egg allergy. For the peanut allergy, she is at a 1.6 which falls in the moderate range. It is less likely she will grow out of it. The good news here is that a.) she's been around peanuts with no reaction (although never eaten) and b.) there's a chance her result was a false positive.
Apparently, false positives are most common on the lower end of the spectrum (category 0-1). However, she is pretty low in the category 2 so Dr. Fitz wants to do a skin scratch test to figure out if she truly has the allergy for peanuts. The other mystery is why she had the reaction to the crabcakes/shrimp when we had to call 911 and rush her to the hospital. So, Dr. Fitz wants to also do a skin scratch test for the shellfish.
Here's the category breakdown:
Category 0= 0-.357 NONE
Category 1= .357-.70 LOW
Category 2= .71-3.5 MODERATE PEANUT 1.6
Category 3= 3.51-17.5 HIGH EGG 6.49
So, for now, NO eggs, peanuts (or other nuts for now), or shellfish for our little allergy girl!!! We will continue to read labels and pack her food for restaurant outings! THIS TRULY STINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, we are lucky to otherwise have a healthy little girl!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
My baby girl is 2! It's such a cliche but they really do grow up so fast! Mya, like her Mommy, loves to celebrate her birthday! Any real diva, gets multiple birthday parties! This was Mya's 3rd and final birthday celebration! She woke up in the morning to find a table full of gifts!
Mya LOVED her "neigh" and baby swing! She also got a mini 4-wheeler....but the birthday fairy ordered it too late and it didn't arrive on time! Later blogpost to come!
Swing, swing baby!
Mommy had to work in the morning so Mya got to spend her birthday morning with Daddy. He took her on a special breakfast date to Einsteins for a birthday bagel. Later, we went for a picnic in the park for lunch!

I included this picture just for kicks! Can you believe this was Mya 2 years ago?!?! Doesn't even look like the same child! Here were her 2 week stats:

Mya has grown up so much!Here are her 2 year stats:
Height: 34.75 in. (75%)
Weight: 28 lbs. 10 oz (75%)
Weight: 28 lbs. 10 oz (75%)
Height: 22.25 in (95%)
Weight: 8 lb. 11 oz (70%)
Weight: 8 lb. 11 oz (70%)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Slumber Party!!!
Andra and I made a deal to watch eachother's kids for an overnight, so that we could each have an "adult night out" and perhaps even sleep in a bit in the morning! We were all excited as the Kuehl kids arrived for our slumber party!
LOTS of playing took place! The kids are so great with Mya and she absolutely adores them!!!!
Friday, September 17, 2010
A Little Birthday Memory....
Today is Mya's birthday. I have some pictures to post when I get around to it. But, for now, just a cute little birthday story for Mommy to always remember....
After I had already put Mya to bed for the night, she started crying out for me. She usually does this at least once, I think she's just checking to make sure I'm still here. I went in and this is how it went....
Mya: Hi Mom!
Mommy: Hi Mya, give Mommy a hug and lay back down.
Mya: Dadda's a good girl!
Mommy: Yes, Dadda's a good boy.
Mya: Momma's a good girl!
Mommy: You know who else is a good girl? Mya's a good girl. Now, it's time to go night night.
I walked out of her room and started to shut the door.
Mya: Happy Birday to yooooouuuu, happy birday to yooooouuuuu
After I had already put Mya to bed for the night, she started crying out for me. She usually does this at least once, I think she's just checking to make sure I'm still here. I went in and this is how it went....
Mya: Hi Mom!
Mommy: Hi Mya, give Mommy a hug and lay back down.
Mya: Dadda's a good girl!
Mommy: Yes, Dadda's a good boy.
Mya: Momma's a good girl!
Mommy: You know who else is a good girl? Mya's a good girl. Now, it's time to go night night.
I walked out of her room and started to shut the door.
Mya: Happy Birday to yooooouuuu, happy birday to yooooouuuuu
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Hau'oli lā hānau, Mya!
We celebrated Mya's birthday Hawaiian Style! I spent way too long planning and preparing for a 2 year-olds luau birthday party! I'm pretty sure she would have been happy with a few gifts and a gigantic Dora balloon, but being "over-the-top" me, I went all out....
The invitations were made and ready to be sent out! Mya and I had a blast during her "grass skirt photo shoot." She really worked the camera!
Mya was dressed in her Hawaiian gear and ready to "pa-ty!" She looked adorable in her REAL Hawiian dress that her Grandma Diane brought back from Hawaii! ALOHA, Birthday Girl!
The birthday girl spent quite a bit of time decorating herself with leis prior to her guests arriving!
Oh, the cupcakes! So, being the mom of an egg-allergic little girl, I have to bake homemade cupcakes. I'm really not much of a baker, although I must admit these are pretty easy and scrumptious! All the kids really seemed to enjoy their cupcakes......except Mya!

She waited anxiously for her cupcake!

She was SO excited when the guests sang to her! By the way, "Happy Birthday to You" is her FAVORITE song! She lights up when it is sung and can even sing part of it all by herself. My sister's birthday was on September 13. I asked her to sing to her Auntie...she got a huge grin and sang "to you, (insert mumble) to you!"
She was SO excited when the guests sang to her! By the way, "Happy Birthday to You" is her FAVORITE song! She lights up when it is sung and can even sing part of it all by herself. My sister's birthday was on September 13. I asked her to sing to her Auntie...she got a huge grin and sang "to you, (insert mumble) to you!"
Friday, September 10, 2010
Naughty Kid in Class
What's a teacher/mother's worst nightmare come true? Yes, that MY kid is the naughty kid in class. Mya started gymnastics last week. We were both so excited! We had on our gym gear and were ready to somersault our way through class. Mya was so eager to get started. She pulled and pulled on the gym doors until it was finally ready to begin. I can only imagine what the gym must look like to a 2 year old. Mats, bars, rings, styrofoam pit, trampolines, and lots of colors! It's all just asking to be jumped on, rolled around on, and swung on.... BUT-
When the teacher requested that 6, 2 year-olds sit in a circle and sing songs, it caused some problems. Although none of the kids were all that excited about this "organized" activity, Mya simply rebelled. To heck with this singy-song business.... Mya was NOT going to sit still when there were things to climb on! She got up from the circle and took off! I was horrified! My face must have said it all because the teacher approached me later in the class and assured me that this was "normal" and not to "worry."
It was finally time to hit the equiptment. Mya was very excited to get to actually do what gymnasts do. She learned how to do a somersault, jumped on the trampoline, swung on the parallel bars and rings, and walked across the balance beam. She enjoyed herself, but I think she was a bit unsure of the whole situation. Mommy, on the other hand, embraced the workout. I was absolutely exhausted after class. Apparently Mya was too, she napped for 3.5 hours!
I look forward to next week. The teacher PROMISED me that the kids get use to the structure of the class. Perhaps I shall work at home with Mya sitting quietly on a carpet square. I can't bare to have her be the naughty kid in class 2 weeks in a row! I can't live that nightmare again.
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