Lucky little Mya got to spend the night with Papa (Mimi was in California) while Mommy and Daddy went to a wedding! I was a little reluctant at first... Papa is always fun but never the sole caregiver when Mya is around. Mya was VERY excited to see Papa. She screamed, "PAPA, PAPA" repeatedly as we approached the farm. She wasn't so sure when she first saw him.... almost looked as if she was pondering, "Hmmm... is this who I have been so anxious to see?" She liked it when he was in the room, but wasn't so keen on him holding her. I was nervous, to say the least, when I left his house and headed late to the wedding. She was asleep when I left, but he had to get her up in the morning, change her diaper, play, and feed her breakfast. That's a big task for a Papa. All my worries were for nothing. He did a fantastic job! Mya was happy as a clam when we got home in the morning. She even preferred her Papa to her Mommy! THANKS PAPA!!!

Papa took us to see his quadruplet goats! Here are 2 of the 4!
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