But there is that one thing that keeps her attention....herself.
Just recently I was showing Mya the clip of herself showing off all of her "tricks" on the blog. I was amazed when she sat still and watched herself the entire clip. She even did her "tricks" as she watched. When it was over, she signed for "more, more." Hmmmm...we could be on to something here. I replayed the 10 second video clip about 6 times, all the while Mya sat contently on my lap watching herself. I then showed her video clips that I have taken of her over the last 15 months of her life. She smiled, danced, and giggled at the sight of Mommy, Daddy, her relatives, her friends, but most of all...herself!
Matt had the brilliant idea of creating a movie with all of her video clips (ahhh....technology today!). He created a video that is 1 hr. 15 minutes long. Although she doesn't sit for the entire 1 hr. 15 minutes, she does sit still and watch the videos. She begs for me to turn on the computer, gets cozy, and watches her favorite actress..... Mya Isabelle Wiegman! 

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