Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Egg-stremely Scary!

Yesterday, Mya had her 9 month doctor's appointment. She weighed in at a whopping 18 pounds 4 ounces (40%) and stretched an amazing 29.5 inches (95%) long. The doctor said she was developing normally and handed her a clean bill of health. We were even given the green light to feed her any table food, besides peanut products and hard candy! Great- basically no limitations!

This morning, I decided that since breakfast was a bit of a menu challenge for me, I would begin the day with her favorite- cheerios! In addition, I would introduce her to eggs. Dr. Brown said it was now safe to give her the entire egg. And, I could add some formula and cheese to give her more calcium. Awesome! I gave her the tasty omelet and she LOVED it! After completing the entire thing, I thought, "hmmm.... maybe I should make her another."

I began cooking and took a moment to go give her more cheerios to keep her busy while I cooked. I noticed some red blotches on her face, specifically around her mouth. Naively, I found it odd but wasn't too alarmed. However, I decided perhaps another omelet may not be the best idea. I took her out of her high chair and put her in her bumbo seat in the family room to play. This is our usual routine so that I can clean up the kitchen while she plays nicely. She seemed more fussy than usual so I went in to check on her. As soon as I sat down, she began projectile vomitting ALL OVER! This wasn't the typical baby spit-up that I had seen before. This was more like a drunk 21 year old that had waaaay tooo much tequila! She threw up the entire egg and more! I quickly picked her up (bumbo seat and all... her legs are too fat to just pull her out!) and put her into the sink. She continued to vomit and cry hysterically. Honestly, I wanted to vomit and cry hysterically myself. This was the first true test of being a calm and collected mommy that I have had. The entire time I was worried that my baby girl may begin to struggle with her breathing! What do I do?

I called the doctor's office and talked to a nurse. She confirmed that Mya was probably having an allergic reaction to the eggs. Long story, not so short..... we have to get bloodwork done to see if she does have an egg allergy. We also have to get an epi-pen in case of an emergency allergy attack. So, I pray to God that I will never have to use it. I also, pray to God the my baby girl doesn't have an egg allergy. Do you know how many things are made with egg products? For now, no eggs or egg products. Looks like she will be eating meats, fruits, and vegetables! Thank goodness she likes them!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Oh my goodness, that is awful! Is she back to normal now or still breaking out? That is scarry.

Thanks for sparing us of a picture of her vomiting...poor thing!