I am a good mom, I am a good mom, I am a good mom.
I just have to say it a few times to convince myself after the last couple of days.
Stories from a
good mom....
I will start with some reasons that I know that I am a good mom. I love my daughter more than anything in the world. In fact, I never knew I could love another human being more. I look at her in awe that Matt and I actually created such an amazing little person. As she grows each day, she shows more personality, ability, and curiosity. She has the sense of humor of her father and the independence of her mother. Although I may be biased, I feel that she is absolutely brilliant. After only eating table food for a few weeks, she wants to eat independently. Meaning, she wants to feed herself. She may not get 90% of the food into her mouth, but it certainly isn't for the lack of trying. Being the neatfreak- controlfreak that I am (see the similarity between us), it sometimes becomes a bit of a power struggle between the two Wiegman girls. I have to remind myself how great it is for her fine motor skill development. With her newfound independence, I decided that it was time to move away from all of the baby food and give her the opportunity to experience more "human" food. I spent her entire naptime yesterday, cooking up multiple cuisines for the little lady. I made 3 different entrees, divided them into tupperware, and froze them for mealtime. Tonight, she enjoyed the pasta entree. She loved trying to get the noodles into her mouth! I loathed continuously picking them up off the floor! No shirt, no shoes, no service definitely didn't apply in the Wiegman Restaurant tonight. We opted for just diaper as Mya attempted to feed herself! She may have been covered with tomato sauce and noodles, but she had a smile on her face the entire time!

Entree 1: noodles, vegetables, and a pinch of cream of mushroom soup
Entree 2: rice, vegetables, and a pinch of cream of mushroom soup
Entree 3: noodles, hamburger, and tomatoe sauce
Ok, now my confessions of a bad mom...
There are times where I just need a moment. I may need to clean, complete school work, cook, or ok... just check my email or maybe do a little facebooking. Guilty as charged. Recently, Mya has been playing so peacefully in her Bumbo seat. She can sit snuggly (without losing her balance) and play with an array of toys. She loves it.... she loved it!
Confession 1- Yesterday while working on report cards, I heard Mya playing with her toys as usual. She was babbling, squealing, even giggling at some of her favorites. All of a sudden, her squeals of joy turned to squeals of terror. I jumped up to see Mya lying on the floor. How did this happen? She usually fits snuggly into the Bumbo with little possibility of escaping. Apparently, her independence, as talked about previously, got the best of her. She decided to reach, reach, reach for her desired toy. Reaching so far and so hard she popped right on out of her Bumbo seat.... landing face first on the rug. I felt terrible. Did I actually let completing my report cards make me forget to check on my daughter?
Confession 2- Any mom that has ever been anywhere in public with a crabby, crying, squealing child knows that you would do almost anything to quiet him/her down. I have gone to drastic measures to do so. I admit, I have opened an UNWASHED package of pacifiers and stuck the plug into Mya's mouth (don't worry...I paid for it). I have opened a package of cheese or fruit puffs and fed her in the middle of the grocery store (again, I paid for them), I have asked for a free sample of meat or cheese from the deli counter- acted interested in front of the clerk and then passed it on to my hungry child, I have even grabbed a cucumber off of the salad bar and given it to Mya to suck on (FYI- I used to be disgusted with people that ate off of the salad bar).
Apparently, I did the unthinkable. Again, I was at the grocery store (is there a pattern here?) and I had a hungry, tired, crabby baby. I HAD to finish my shopping. So.... I handed Mya a SMALL piece of plastic (embarrassed to admit this... the plastic they give you with the free sample of cheese at the deli counter!). It was by NO means big enough to suffocate with or small enough to choke on. It was just perfect for her to play with and keep her entertained for just enough time for me to finish my shopping. She was quiet, I was shopping... GREAT! Not so much. A woman came running over to my cart and with great concern got my attention and said, "Ma'am, your daughter is chewing on plastic." "What?" I said. "Oh, that's not good," I replied. With complete embarassment, I grabbed the plastic out of her hand, put it into the cart, and acted like it was a complete accident. So, to the lady at the grocery store, thanks for saving my baby's life, but next time.... have an alternative so that my baby is entertained while I finish my shopping.