Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fun Times with Old Friends

Yesterday, Mya got together with some old friends. All of the Mommies and babies from our Gymboree class decided to get back together. All but 2 of us have become Gymboree dropouts. The babies had a great time together. They even played their version of "Spin the Bottle." I think they called it "Pass the Teether!" There was definitely a lot of spit swapping!

Somehow we got all the babies lined up for a photo. I think all of us moms were SHOCKED that all of the babies sat still and actually looked at the camera! The babies range from 6-9 months old. I think this picture is priceless! (L to R. Maddie, Joe, Mya, Addie, and Claire)

We spent part of the afternoon with the babies playing with toys, grabbing eachother, and rolling around. Although Mya had a short morning nap, she seemed to be enjoying herself. Then, things made a turn for the worse. We went for a walk and stopped by the swings. Mya became the cranky baby! She cried the majority of the walk, bumped her lip on the swing and began to bleed, screamed hysterically, and forced us to make an abrupt exit! Needless to say, she crashed in the car the minute the engine was running!

Mommy and Mya having fun!

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