Mya turned 8 months old today! She is becoming such a character full of so much happiness and personality. I am enjoying every moment with her as she changes and becomes a little person. I decided for this month's update I would share a day in the life of Mya Isabelle Wiegman....
EATING: Mya enjoys various cuisines. You may see her enjoying some of her favorites: oatmeal cereal, Gerber fruits (any banana combo is her absolute fav!), Gerber veggies, or cheese (she LOVES cheese!). She pretty much tries any food, if appropriate, that her mommy or daddy are eating at mealtime. She, of course, is still snacking on Momma's milk.

DRINKING: Well, still no bottle!!! Mya has been practicing with her sippy cup daily. She loves ice water whether from her sippy cup or Mommy and Daddy's cups!

TEETHING: Mya currently has her 2 bottom teeth. I think she is teething though, for she sticks everything in her month to chew on AND has been a bit cranky!!! I am sure her teeth are to blame!

Her teeth are coming in a little "buck tooth!" Just kidding.... Matt and I laugh everytime she eats her puffs. She always sticks it out so she looks like she has buck teeth!
POTTY TIME: Mya isn't potty trained yet, but is very predictable when it comes to potty time. Without getting into too many dirty details, she ALWAYS goes potty during mealtime! She scrunches up her face, turns bright red, and pushes! It's hysterical! Mya has become very "active" during changing time. I always have to have some sort of entertainment ready to keep her occupied during changing time, even a diaper will do!

PLAYTIME: Mya can now sit up like a big girl, but at times she loses her balance. When playing for an extended period of time she loves sitting in her BUMBO seat. It props her up so that she can play with all of her toys without falling over. She still loves to jump in her jump-a-roo. She gets very excited and likes to show off her "skills"... especially for Jasmine. Mya doesnt' really favor any of her toys. In fact, her favorite toys seem to be anything that is NOT a toy. For example, she loves Mommy's cell phone, deodorant bottle, remote controls, necklaces, etc. Mya loves to play with her cousins. Today, she even cheered on Ben and Drew during their football games. Do you think she'll be a cheerleader?

CHORES: Of course she has chores! Today, Mya helped Mommy with the laundry. She is very helpful!

RELAXING: With all this play and work, Mya needs time to relax! She loves just chillin' and watching some TV. I think General Hospital is her fav.... SHHHH.... don't tell Daddy!