We had a lunch date with the Korman girls this week. We ventured to Glenview to see the girls, eat some lunch, and visit Von Maur (I miss Von Maur!). It was Brittany's first time out with both girls on her own. They all did great, but she definitely has her hands full! It makes me think twice about reproducing too quickly! Ella has gotten to be a very big girl. She explained to me that her baby sister's name was "Punky Doodle." She has such a personality! I see qualities of both her mommy and daddy! Daddy shined through when she told me a joke and then followed up with a cute giggle and said, "I'm just teasin'!" Quite the jokester! Baby Addie is a doll! She has pudgey cheeks and looks so much like Ella when she was a baby!
While at lunch, I started to think about how Brittany and my lives have changed SOOOO drastically! Going from hating eachother, to living together, to lunching with our little girls together! Wow~ amazing how things can change over 12 years! I miss living a mile away from the Kormans, but I am so glad we can make the time to get together to catch-up! Although we didn't get to talk that much in between feeding and caring for the little ones!
Mya enjoyed spending time with her friends.... and so did I!
Punky Doodle, Brittany, and Ella!

Mommy and Mya
(Did I mention it was POURING rain outside! That's my excuse for the bad hair day!)
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