Mya doesn't sleep alone.
She sleeps with Barbie, Teddy, Pinky, Ducky, Baby, and her PillowPet. |
Mya's transition to her big girl bed has been pretty smooth. Besides the one or two nights I blogged about before, she has napped and slept in her bed everyday. She's the supersleeper she has always been and is happy to tell people she now sleeps in her "big girl bed." She also is very proud of the fact that "her crib" is now in her baby brother's room. For now, Elmo is keeping it warm until baby brother arrives. Mya often tucks him in and gives him kisses.
While the sleeping hasn't been much of an issue, the time prior to sleeping has become a complete nightmare for Mommy and Daddy! Mya will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to stall! She has it all figured out! She has created a pretty long, drawn-out routine. We usually start with her hiding in her princess castle and taunting us with "You can't get me." Within seconds we prove her wrong, grab her and struggle to get the little wiggle worm dressed. This usually conists of her demanding "I do it!" We try to wait patiently as she struggles to get on her pull-up and pjs. After several minutes, she does actually successfully get herself dressed. This then leads to her wanting to jump into her bed...not once or twice but usually three times. Then comes some milk....followed by several books....followed by me covering her up and her wanting to switch positions about 4 times.... followed by telling us that her Teddy can't see her.... followed by her baby's pacifier falling out and her wanting to put it back in.... followed by wanting to switch her pacifier to a different color. I'll spare you the continuation of demands and attempts at stalling.
We know that most people would say, "WHAT?!?!?!" Don't do it. But... trust me that it is much easier to just do the routine quickly and let her soon be fast asleep. We've tried ignoring and saying NO. But, this leads to her screaming... indefinitely. So, for now, she wins. However, we hope this is all a phase as most of her crazy ways have been! Soon, she will climb into bed, say night night and go to sleep.... right?