This summer has already been a whirlwind! We are always on the go.... whether its playing at the park, shopping, swimming, or visiting friends and family. Mya is now 22 months old and has quite the personality!
Mya has changed so much over the last few months. She has gone from my precious baby girl to my vivacious, diva-like toddler. She definitely knows what she wants either replying with a strong, "NO!" or a sweet "O-tay."
She runs around the house loving on her babies. She loves pushing her babies around the house in the baby stroller, carrying them in her car carrier, or wrapping them in blankets and putting them night-night. She is a very loving little mommy.
Hmmmm... wonder where she gets that? ;-)
Mya loves her "colo's." She prefers her markers to her crayons and loves sticking stickers all over her Elmo coloring book. I think we might have a lefty on our hands! This may be a challenge when teaching her to write and cut....but I'm sure it will be fabulous when she is driving down the basketball court dribbling with her left hand or batting as a lefty in her softball game!
Elmo and Barney continue to be Mya's favorites. She looks forward to her carrides because this is where she gets to sit back, relax, and watch her buddies. This time almost always consist of her having her "SNAAAAAACK!" She loves pretzels, crackers, veggie chips, and suckers!
Mya continues to amaze me with her intelligence. She can now count to 10. Occasionally missing poor ole' number 4. Not sure what it is with 4....just not that memorable for her, I guess. She loves working on puzzles and can take them apart and put them back all by herself. She loves reading books. She prefers her tractor book; in which she reminds me Papa has tractors each time we read it. She loves to dress herself, put her own shoes on, and lather herself up with lotion. Miss Independent gets frustrated at times, but usually does pretty well.
Her words! Mya has quite the vocabulary. She is definitely at the stage where she repeats what she hears....which is very scary! She has some phrases that she uses daily. These consist of: Momma/Dadda sit down! Oh shoot! All done! Stop it! On! Off! Push you! Outside! As you can tell, she is very bossy. I used exclamation points after each because she is usually saying each with much "enthusiasm." I am always amazed at her ability to command grown adults to do something. I guess when she repeats herself enough or raises her voice high enough, she can get anyone to follow her directions. Hmmmm.... wonder where she gets that? ;-)
Mya has formed many strong friendships. She loves her kitty, Jasmine. I often find her hugging her, laying on her, feeding her, or chasing her demanding for a "ug" (hug). She also adores her cousins. She requests their presence many, many times a day. I even persuade her to nap by promising an afternoon playdate with them.
Routine.... Many people have accused me of being a naptime nazi. I am ALL about routine and so is Mya. One of the funny (crazy) things we do EVERY day before nap or bedtime is go around kissing things. It began with her kissing he precious cousin, Quentin's picture. Now, she kisses pictures, books, and even her piggy bank. But, the most important kiss she gives is to her Mommy. Nothing like that last hug and kiss before laying her down for the night!
I could go on and on about my little lady. She is amazing yet frustrating all the same. I love her and look forward to her continued growth!