As the holiday season has arrived, I realize that it is a bittersweet time of year. As they say, "when one life ends, another one begins." We lost my dear Grandmother this year. She was one of the strongest, most amazing women I have ever known. She blessed us with her intriguing story-telling of her worldly adventures, her unconditional love, and her amazing wit! I truly believe that she is our angel looking down on us! As her life sadly came to an end, we welcomed our beautiful daughter, Mya Isabelle into the world. At 2 months of age, she already has such a personality, perhaps she will have the same wit as her late great-grandmother! Her smiles and coos could turn anyone's frown upside down!
So with it being Thanksgiving.... I have so much to be thankful for! I am blessed in so many ways. Thank you to my family and friends for being such an important part of my life! I look forward to sharing the ups and downs, the tears and laughter, and the adventures of the Wiegman family! Hold on.... it could be a bumpy ride!