Yesterday we awakened to a 58 degree temperature and flooding! All of the many, many inches of snow that we had gotten in the days previously were melted away. Because wonderful winter arrived so abruptly, all of the leaves that we had raked in the fall and put on the curb for pick up were covered with snow. Once the temperature rose and the snow melted, the leaves made their way into the drain... hence.... clogging it! Unfortunately, the only drain for our street was located smack dab in front of our house. So, the street in front of our house was completely flooded! Like a good neighbor, Matt and a few others worked hard at unclogging the drain so cars could get through. The water was ICE cold so my mom wrapped Matt's boots in plastic bags! Quite the sight! Check it out....
My mom wrapping Matt's boots in garbage bags.
Matt unclogging the street drain in ICE cold water!