Friday, December 12, 2008

One of those days....

I haven't typically ever thought of myself as a scatterbrain or airhead.... that is until I became pregnant. I had always been warned of the "pregnancy stupids." When pregnant I was always asked, "So, have you gotten the pregnancy stupids yet? Just wait, it never goes away." Those people were SO right! I do things that I don't think I ever would have done before. From constantly forgetting my keys in the front door (hello robbers, come on in!) to hitting Matt's car in our very own driveway! That's right... as if we aren't financially strapped as it is, I damaged not 1 but 2 of our cars in one swipe today!!! Needless to say I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing... in fact I thought the noise I heard was simply a patch of ice crackling under my tires. That is until I looked forward to see that the front of my car was touching the side of Matt's. The long black scratch on the side of the car was a dead giveaway that the sound was not that of crackling ice but that of metal on metal! UGH!

What was the icing on the cake? Our furnace went out for the 3rd time in 2 weeks! Nothing like hanging out with your 3 month old in a freezing cold house! Poor little eskimo was such a trooper. I had her bundled in 2 blankets and she just laid on the bed like it was the funniest thing she had ever done. Smiles and giggles kept our minds off the freezer we were living in. It's amazing that this always seems to happen on the days/nights that are SO cold! We were finally blessed with a "furnace fixer" that thought he was the furnace GOD... that's what they all think.... we'll see if his quick fix works longer than 3 days! Good news.... we didn't have to pay this time!

On a positive note, Grandma Diane spent the day with Little Miss Mya. I'm sure if Mya could talk she would say she had a blast! Mimi Rey comes to visit tomorrow! 2 Grandma's in 2 lucky is she?!?!?

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