Thursday, March 31, 2011

Girls' Night

We were lucky to have some houseguests for the evening.  Auntie Kristy and Izzy came to visit us!  Mya was very, very excited and asked when Izzy was coming for 2 days before they arrived!  They didn't stay long, but we had a great visit!  I wasn't very good about taking pictures of the girls.  Most of the pictures were taken during bathtime... can't get much cuter than two naked little monkeys!
Mya was cheesing before they arrived.  She ran to the window every 2 minutes to check for their car!


The girls were coloring the walls with the bath crayons.

Of course, we had to do the mohawk!

2 little monkeys!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

"Pool"ish People

After many discussions, Matt and I decided that it would be best to get rid of the pool.  We loved the idea of the pool, but with it being in such a shaded area, we were unable to ever get it warm.  Plus, we dumped hundreds of dollars of chemicals into it each summer and only enjoyed swimming in it a handful of times.  With another little Wiegman running around, we thought it would be nice to increase the size of our yard and make it as safe as possible for the kids to play without the danger of a pool. So, we placed an ad on Craigslist and waited for some bites!

We actually thought that we should offer it for free, heck we even contemplated paying someone to take the darn thing.  We knew it would be extremely labor intensive.  We made sure our ad included that the buyer MUST take down and haul away.  Soon, we had several takers.  We came to an agreement from just south of Kankakee.  She would pay us $500, bring a "crew", 2 trucks, take down, and haul away!  SWEET!!! 

Our buyer showed up today to take away our pool.  Her crew consisted of her middle-aged sister, 3 teenage daughters, 1 teenage son, and husband.  Apparently he planned on having a leisurely afternoon of taking down the pool because he arrived with his 3 cans of Busch Light beer.  Guess he didn't realize he would be here working his butt off for 6 hours in 33 degree weather!  After scanning the job, the sister commented under her breath "THIS is going to be a big job."  I encouraged Matt to get the money upfront.... as these people didn't exactly seem to be the most "trustworthy."  They quickly changed their tune saying they would pay $200 instead of the orginal $500 because they would have to scrap the liner (interesting... didn't know liners cost $300?).  Matt responded with $350.  They met int he middle at $300.  I don't think these people knew what they were getting into! It was a HUGE job!  All Matt and I kept thinking was that these people have to go home and PUT THE POOL BACK TOGETHER!!!

The "CREW"  Did I mention they didn't wear coats?

Coming Down!  One big problem was that the water inside was frozen!

Dismanteling the deck.... You'd think they want to take it, right?

The Aftermath!  It looks like a meteor hit our backyard! We have a big hole and a liner attached to huge cubes of ice!  Oh, and they didn't take the deck!?!?! 
We quickly put an ad on Craigslist for a free metal deck!  We had 5 hits in 30 minutes!  We already have a taker to pick it up at 9 am tomorrow morning! Gotta love Craigslist!

Stay tuned for our new and improved backyard!  At least we can invest our $300 dollars into filling the hole and laying some sod! 

32 Weeks

Well, here I am at 32 weeks.  There's really not much glamorous about this shot!  I seem to be growing bigger and bigger each and every day! According to, I'll be gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, he'll gain a third to half of his birth weight during the next 7 weeks as he fattens up for survival outside the womb. 

Overall, I'm feeling pretty well.  I do have bouts of exhaustion.  I'm pretty sure this is due to being 32 weeks pregnant AND chasing, lifting, and pleading with a stubborn, active, and tempermental 2.5 year-old little girl!  By the end of the day, my lower back pain is somewhat crippling.  I find it difficult to move and sleep.  This, mixed with 3-4 bathroom visits each night, results in little sleep.  I guess this is the baby's way of preparing me for sleep deprivation! 

I've had a few bizarre cravings this pregnancy too.  Most people know I don't like breakfast and I really don't enjoy sweets.  BUT... for the last few months I have feasted on icecream topped with chocolate chips, McDonalds egg and sausage biscuits, and Cool Ranch Doritos!  

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring Break 2011

On Saturday, we all gathered in Funks Grove to attend the memorial for my wonderful Grandpa Bob. He passed away at the end of February.  Although it was so difficult to watch him leave us, I know that he is where he has truly wanted to be since my Grandma passed away in 2008.

Despite the sadness the adults were experiencing, the kids were pretty naive to the circumstances.  They simply enjoyed the rare time that they get to spend together.  They love eachothers' company and provide a constant reminder of how wonderful family truly can be!
You can never be too safe when riding your Winnie the Pooh truck!

After the memorial, we all needed some time away.  My mom headed to the lakehouse with her friends for the night.  Mya and I headed to my sister's in St. Louis for the night and then headed out for the lake to spend the rest of the week with my mom.  On Saturday and Sunday, the weather was perfection...75-80 degrees and sunny!  The kids played outside for hours at Auntie's house.  Once we got to the lake, we got our suits on and went boating!!!  Boating + Swimming Suits in March = HEAVEN!

Happy, happy, happy to be with her cousins and in the SUNSHINE!

Hot-tubbing with the kids... please remember I am 8 months pregnant.... not the best for bikini pics!

The 4 kiddos at the lake

Mya loved her lifejacket!  Here she is ready to go boating with "My Mimi."

Despite the frown, she really did LOVE boating!

The kids were so happy!

Fishing with Cici... Ty was the only fisher to catch a fish!

Mya and Mimi were plotting their attack.  I was shot with the watergun moments after I caught them in the act.
 After a fabulous week at the lake, it was time to head home.  Andra, the kids, and I headed back to St. Louis on Thursday.  I had an 8 hour trip back home with Mya, so I decided to break the trip up into 2 days.  Day 1- Ozarks to St. Louis (2.5 hours) Day 2- St. Louis to Chicago (5.5 hours).  Mya did AMAZINGLY well!  I was proud of my lil' traveler! 
Believe it or not, there was SNOW ON THE GROUND in St. Louis on Friday!!!  80 on Monday and 34 on Friday! UGH!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Comedy Act

I was going to write a "poor me" blog tonight about how the TERRIBLE TWOS have officially begun. But, we actually had a really good day today so I decided I should keep things positive!  In between tantrums, Mya really is quite comical!  Here are just a few moments I was actually able to catch with a camera!
Mya LOVES her dried strawberries! Unfortunately, they are very messy!  She typically eats an entire bag at one sitting which is equivalent to 1 container of fresh strawberries! They are all natural with no added sugar....just simply dried strawberries (TRADER JOE'S).  By the end of the bag, her face and hands were covered in red!
READY.... SET...
Mya also LOVES playing outside.  The new popular question asked 150 times a day, "Can we play outside a bit?" It's great that she loves the outside. Unfortunately, when it's time to go in, we almost ALWAYS have a tantrum! (Ok, I have to include a little bit of "poor me" into this blog!)

Not sure where the daredevil in her comes from?

We all play naked in our wings, right?

Another love of her life, the library!  Here she is suprising me!  Just moments earlier, she was hiding behind the curtain shouting, "Mommy, where's Mya?"  Guess she hasn't grasped the whole shhhhhhh.... in the library!

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Ultimate Ultrasound

Today we had our 30 week ultrasound.  We were excited to take Mya and have her see her little brother on "TV."  She was extremely anxious as we waited in the waiting room, constantly asking, "Is it my turn yet?"

She was a little nervous when Mommy was asked to lay down and they squirted the jelly onto my tummy.  But, she quickly became amazed at the sight on the screen!  I'm not sure she knew exactly what she was seeing but the expression on her face was priceless.  Her curiousity quickly turned to jeaoulsy.  Not jealous of the baby, but of Mommy.  She insisted it was now HER turn to see the baby in the tummy.  She announced to all of us that she wanted to have a baby too!  Oh boy, please lord....not for a LONG LONG time!

All of the baby's vitals, organs, bones, fingers, and toes looked fantastic!  He is well on his way of being a big baby just like Mya!  They are predicting another 9 pounder!  He also has the "Wiegman Big Head!"  Thankfully, we have the c-section scheduled and I don't have to worry about pushing out my big baby!  We were very surprised when the ultrasound tech switched to the 3D view of our baby boy!  It was absolutely AMAZING!  We didn't get to see this view of Mya when I was pregnant with her so this was all new to us! I feel like I know what he looks like his DADDY!  He is definitely a hand sucker and challenged us to get a good look at this little face.  We did get a few good shots of our little guy!  I can't wait to actually meet him in person! Seeing him today made me so excited to hold him!

So, for now.... we will continue baking our little guy!  No more ultrasounds unless the Drs. are curious about his size.  9 more weeks and we will become a new family of 4!

Peace out, see you in 9 weeks!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Consign Time!

Matt calls it my Christmas and he may not be too far off.  I look forward to this sale 2 times a year.  My sister introduced me to the Growing Cents of Style consignment sale a couple of years ago and it has grown bigger and bigger each year.  I've always been shopper, but this was the first year I was also a consignor. 

I decided to go through the bins and bins and bins of clothes that I have from the past stages of Mya's growth.  I became incredibly sad when I was sorting her old clothes, reminiscing about when or where she wore certain outfits and how stinkin' cute she was at each stage.  I had to decide which clothes I would be selling to complete strangers in order for them to make their very own memories.  I had to put a price on these adorable little outfits.  Unfortunately, some of the outfits I found priceless, others would find wornout, overused, and out-of-style.  Pricing the merchandise is a bit of an art....or a gamble.  If you price it too high, it won't sell.  If you price it too low, it sells and you're left wondering if you could've gotten more!  After sorting and taking a stroll down memory lane, I decided to consign over 60 items! I knew I would be buying more outfits....this time for my little girl AND my little boy!

I left early for the sale, wanting to be the first in line! (Yes, there is ALWAYS a line outside before it opens... kind of like a bunch of teens waiting in line for Justin Bieber concert tix!)  Unfortuntately, I was 2nd in line, but I sucked it up, waited patiently, and was ready to throw elbows at any overzealous Mom trying to get in my way!  The doors opened and I raced to the shoes! It is always a tough decision for me... where do I go first?  I decided this year:  Girl Shoes, Girl Clothes, Boy Shoes, Boy Clothes!  My plan was pretty successful! I found some great deals and left with 9 outfits and 5 pairs of shoes for a total of $93.  Not too bad! I returned on Sunday for 1/2 off day!  I purchased another 6 or so outfits and 4 more pairs of shoes... this time spending $33! WOOHOO!

Getting LOTS of new clothes for Mya and Baby Boy W created fabulous retail therapy for me!  But... nothing beats the feeling I got when I looked at my list of items sold!

I sold 42 items totaling $187!  Unfortunately, 30% is deducted and given to the owners of the sale. 
That leaves me with $151. 
I spent $126 at the sale.
That left me with a total profit of $25! 

Not bad for Christmas in March! How many of you can say you PROFIT money after Christmas shopping?  I look forward to my next holiday... Christmas in September!


I'm always looking for activities that keep Mya engaged while working on her fine/gross motor skills.  I set up a pan with dirty ole' coins, a soapy bowl of water, a container for the clean coins, a toothebrush, and a cupcake tin for sorting.  I showed her how to dip, scrub, rinse, and sort and off she went!  She spent quite a while working and I was able to sweep and vaccum the entire downstairs!  Cha-Ching!

First, we dip, scrub, and rinse! 

Then, we sort!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Mimi

Mya was SO excited to have her Mimi, Gracie, and Baxter come visit us this week!  I know Mya loved her quality time with her "Meems" and I'm pretty sure the time was just as meaningful to Mimi!
Mimi made Mya an adorable apron.  Mya LOVES dressing up in her apron and helping Daddy cook!

We had lots of lunch/dinnerdates with Mimi.  They bought some snapbeads while on their Mimi and Mya shopping trip to Target.  Brilliant idea to keep her busy at the restaurant! 

Mya loved doting over the dogs!  She gave them way too many snacks.... which they thoroughly enjoyed!  She also showered them with hugs, kisses, and commands!

On Saturday, Daddy took Mya to see her Grandma Diane (2 Grandma's in 1 weekend...LUCKY girl!) while he went to the dentist.  That allowed Mommy and Mimi to have almost and entire day to ourselves! We got mani/pedis, a peaceful lunch, AND a "little" shopping spree for Mimi!!! It was a much needed, much appreciated day!

We played a bit in the snow with the puppies before they headed back to the farm to see Papa.

Not the best photo... but a quick pic of the 3 girls!